Large Scale Central

Southeast Garden Railroad Show

I wanted to announce a new large scale show in Dalton, Ga on May 1 and 2. This show takes the place of the SELSTS in Perry, Ga. People are calling this a mini-convention. Check out the website at

If you have any questions or would like to get the newsletter, Please contact me at [email protected] or call 913-406-3400


David Roberts

I’m planning on making the trek, maybe even with the camper!


I’m looking forward to running some trains (steam of course) a great dinner on May 1 , look what others have, and spend a few bucks !! See u at the show. Bruce

If anyone missed out on the details of the Banquet, here they are.

The buffet-style banquet will be held at 7:00 pm on Friday, May 1 in the two rooms used during the day for
workshops. These will be combined into a single room for the banquet. The menu is herb-roasted chicken, roast
beef with au jus, salad, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls and butter, peach cobbler, and tea and coffee.

Donald Nute will give the banquet talk on “Surviving Steam in the United States.” This will be a survey of steam
locomotives in museums, at tourist railroads, and in front of country stores or beside old depots across the U.S.
You can see some of Don’s photos at his steam locomotive website. We also plan on giving away a nice
selection of door prizes at the banquet.

Tickets are $25 and can be ordered from
Frances Tidd/SEGRS Tickets,
3540 Cove Creek Court,
Cumming, GA,30040.

Be sure to include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your order .

Don’t forget to check out for all the latest information. You can also download all of the newsletters for
the show on the home page. There is a lot of helpful articles about what to do at the show and the surrounding area.

The latest update of vendors at the SEGRS show. coming to Dalton, Ga on May 1 and 2.

Almost Scratchbuilt
Classic Trains and Farraris
Dixie Home Crafters
Fun and Games
G-scale Junction
Garden Railways Magazine
Georgia Master Gardeners
JJ Models
Jack’s Trains & Hobbies
John’s Hobbies
John’s Trains, Trucks, and Things
Just Plain Folks
Love Those Trains
Michael Setzer
Michael’s Custom Woodworking
Missouri Locomotive Company
Operation Lifesaver
RLD Hobbies
Rolling Stock
Sinbad Glue
St Aubin
Trains by Frank and Ann
Trains to Planes Hobbies
Tunnel Hill Historical Society
Vanco Model Railroad Structures
Walden Hobbies

I expect to get about 10 more vendors minimum.

I am talking to quite a few and they are considering it. If you don’t see a vendor on the list and you are coming to the show, Call them and invite them to come. Also, If you see the name of a dealer and you want something specific, Give them a call and ask them to bring it to the show. It will save you on shipping charges.

Check out the website at for all the details to the show. You can also download all of the newsletters for the show.

I hope to see you all soon.

David Roberts