Large Scale Central

Something REALLY different!

Last year someone posted a link to the website of Tom Meier, a sculpter of miniature fantasy figures. Of particular interest was a figure called “Slug Eat Your Face”, which was designed according to the specifications of his six-year-old son. It’s about 1.75" tall. Here’s a photo of the sculpt from his site:

The very humorous report of on the design of this figure can be found in Tom’s blog, about 1/4 way down the page: Anyway… I bought a couple of them, one for myself and one for my son who is into D&D type games. And now, over a year later, I finally got around to painting one of them. Here it is:

No fancy paint tricks or anything… I just sprayed it with a light coat of white primer, than used Apple Barrel craft acrylics for the colors. I started with a coat of “Sandstone”, then added the dark spots. After that dried I built up the colors using very thin washes. When it was complete I finished it with a couple coats of artist’s acrylic gloss medium. One thing I found was that the holes representing the pupils of the eyes actually made it more difficult to paint them. Next time I’ll fill in the holes prior to painting. Painting this figure was just a fun little one evening project that I could relax and not have to think too hard about. Enjoy!

Ray for the expression to really work it needs to be possed next to a salt shaker

Yeah Victor;

I said something like that on the other site. Only it was worded: “I’m not afraid. I just walk softly and carry a REALLY BIG salt shaker.”

Remember Ron Wenger’s slug traps? Old 2 liter bottles on their sides with a small amount of very cheap beer inside them. Well, at least the slugs died happy. I suppose.

David Meashey

I think I have slugs like that in my garden. :slight_smile:

very nice work.