Some thoughts on Mik’s Build Challenge 2015.
As “The Challenge” is now more or less done for 2015, I have some ramblings and thoughts to pass on. Thank you for all the accolades. I carry on the build challenges because I believe that it’s my way of giving back to my community here at LSC. With out giving back to an organization, you become a non constructive part, a taker, not a giver. When an origination has more takers then givers, it will eventually die. I believe that the build challenge is good for our community, and I will do my best to keep it going, and carry on what Mik started.
It has been asked about the number of voters this year. I had several people express a desire to vote in private, their thought was that not voting for someone might hurt there feelings or whatever, that they didn’t vote in a particular way might be miss construed. What ever, why not, so I opened up the vote to private, and I did get numerous additional votes, No I didn’t spend a bunch of time researching each ones membership status, I took them at their word.
28 people voted. Not all voters voted in all categories, and some voted in non vote categories ( i.e.: best napkin ). In the General build category, each one could vote for their choice for 1st, second, and third. I assigned 3 points for a 1st place vote, 2 points for a 2nd place vote, and 1 point for a 3rd place vote. The totals decided the winners.
I sent out 28 kits total. I cut up wood ( all from re-cycled scrap ) for a total of 55, 16 scale ft. kits, 10 each in, 1:22.5, 1:24, 1:29, 1:32, and 15 kits in 1:20.3. With an avg. of 32 pieces in each kit it came to about 1760 custom cut pieces in the 5 scales. As I have no way of knowing who, in what scale, will join, I cut to all scales.
The break down on kit sizes was. 13 in 1:20.3, 6 in 1:22, 5 in 1:24, 3 in 1:29, 1 in 1:32 . Eric S. did make his own in 7/8 scale as I had not cut to that size. Our Brit’ also built his own 16’ platform as shipping time would have prevented him from starting till the challenge was almost over. Almost 50% were 1:20.3 and only 4 were in the smallest 2 scales.
Why the whimsical fun theme? A couple of years ago Mik and I tossed around ideas for the build, and this was discussed, and we decided that we didn’t have all the stuff to pull it off on such short notice, and thats when I offered up my Shorty Gons kits I had cut but not built yet. Oh well maybe next year. Last year (2014) everyone wanted a structure and so the car got pushed back yet again till this year. Next year… I’m on my own, and I all ready know what it is going to be…
The “First Timers” category is a win-win for all. We lopped a lot of people in to it this year, and I hope that there will be a lot more 1st timers next year, which means the challenge grows better each year, with new souls joining in the fun.
A special thank you to all the prize givers. A very very personal special thank you to Todd H., John C. and Vic S. (and you know why).
I have received a couple of critiques in that there is such great builders joining that “they don’t stand a chance of winning anything” i.e. their build skills are not up to that level, so why put out the effort to join in at all. Wow… that is an issue at the very core of the build challenge. The “Challenge” is to BUILD, not to win. Have I, by adding to, and building up the prize pot, created my own double edge sword. Encouraging people to join by offering up prizes, getting great modelers to build great things, and in so doing creating an atmosphere that discourages some to join in. This is not at all what I want the challenge to be, or that, what it should be. It’s defiantly NOT what Mik wanted.
It has crossed my mind to maybe set up two skill levels of builds, or something along the lines of expert and novice levels. (But who decides?).
Your ( LSC ) Thoughts? Good open discussion please!
Yes, I have a bunch of extra car kits, Kits are Free, cover postage $. to PAY PAL account @ [email protected]. Let me know the size you want.
Thanks again for making this years Mik’s Build Challenge the best ever.