Large Scale Central

Some amazing modeling

This just came across my feed, and I thought I would share. This guy has built an incredibly detailed diorama of the mills around a certain town in Belgium. His level of detail is stunning.


WOW… just WOW…!!!

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Amazing! I am constantly blown away by what those HO scale folks do!

Every time I run across something like this, I want to create something similar in large scale. A diorama of a three-car siding or something, and detail the heck out of it. Use it as a playspace to work on techniques.

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incredible for sure, just when you start to think you are pretty good at modeling someone like this comes around to really humble and ground you. That is just awesome work

That guys got issues man!

if that seems overdone to you, you should risk a peep at the 1:35 military modellers crowd.


Oh Korm!

:crazy_face: Most Famous Fawlty Towers Quote.

Well, that just filled in a most of a rainy day. Incredible.
