Large Scale Central

S'more photos from the Convention

Before the convention I hosted some 7/8th scale guys to at my railway

Jason adjusts the latest prototype on Bruce Gatham’s steam layout at the Augusta Convention center

Jeff Young shows off his two little Porters

me and my “Mik’s” section house inside on the 7/8th scale layout.

John’s crank hand car in 7/8th scale

Jim’s collection of Maine Forneys…He must have the most of all!

Thursday’s Photo Freight on the WW&F

Is this Bruce Gatham’s? I forget

Thanks Eric! Those are some great shots. I didn’t catch the 7/8ths hand crank car, since I didn’t have near enough time to visit the modular layouts. The WW&F freight shots are great too! Should have done a better job planning, so I could have been there for that. I’m not saying that our visit to the WW7F wasn’t fantastic though. The guys and gals there couldn’t be nice for helpful or friendly. It seems they are on the edge of their seat waiting for a question they can answer. Great group!

Great fun to see you and your family again Randy! There were lots of cool people to chat with at the Civic Center, and the WW&F, plus those who came to my place!

Great pics Eric, I like all the 7/8ths stuff.(

Great photos Eric. Wish I was able to make it. I really like the new Forney Jason brought up. Wow Jim always told me he had a lot of Forneys but seeing them in the photos…he was not joking lol.

Yea, its almost a compulsion.

Hey Mark, did you see that?

I am not that far gone, yet.

There just is never enough time or energy.

Time, energy, motivation, and money. Its rare when they are all available in quantity enough for me.