Large Scale Central

Small rustic bridge

Joe Zullo said:

How do you figure that? I get his posts from Korm’s web host just as you do and don’t have a problem. It must be YOUR web host!

Many people are having problems with his pictures. If the HOST server doesn’t have sufficient capacity,

“too busy”, the page will time out.

If my service provider were “too busy”, I wouldn’t receive the LSC page, minus Korm’s photos :wink:

It is possible, my ISP(AT&T), is “blocking” his Host server. This is done when a server has been identified as “malicious”.


Neat…I want to see more of that castle!

Ralph, did you try, what Steve did? putting “www.” into the URLs?

Mark, my pleasure. that was another unfinished project, when for a certain timespan and under an evil spell i planned to give my layout a european setting…

so, folks, tell me, how many of these three pics you see, and i can tell, where the problem is.


As always, I see ALL of them.

yep, me too. I see all of them.


The wind is setting from the North, now. I can see all of Korm’s photos.

Lookin’ good!

No pix here.


the pictures show up fine here…

Korm Kormsen said:

Ralph, did you try, what Steve did? putting “www.” into the URLs?

Mark, my pleasure. that was another unfinished project, when for a certain timespan and under an evil spell i planned to give my layout a european setting…




so, folks, tell me, how many of these three pics you see, and i can tell, where the problem is.


I see none of the pictures. The URL’s don’t even show in the post.

If I copy & paste the URL’s from the “editor” and paste them to my browser, it goes as far as “waiting for” and goes no further.

I’ve tried in both IE and Firefox.

It would be a big help if people who can/can’t see the photos, would provide a little more information.

Such as what browser they’re using, their internet service provider and their Operating system.


I use Windows XP Home, Firefox 20.0.1 and Comcast cable broadband.

I just tried it using IE8 still no problem. I see all of the pictures.

I also tried it using Opera 11.60. Again I see all the pictures.

You have a problem on your end Ralph.

FireFox 21 Beta, Windows XP, ISP is Wildblue (satillite).

I wasn’t able to see the photos, then I was.

I dunno why I can see them now, and couldn’t a few weeks ago.

Ralph Berg said:

I see none of the pictures.



Joe Zullo said:

You have a problem on your end Ralph.

Joe, others have the same problem.

So, it’s not quite so simple as the problem is on my end.

There’s a problem…somewhere :wink:


David Russell said:

Ralph Berg said:

I see none of the pictures.



I’ve had a little dental and eye work done since then :slight_smile:


Ralph Berg said:

Joe Zullo said:

You have a problem on your end Ralph.

Joe, others have the same problem.

So, it’s not quite so simple as the problem is on my end.

There’s a problem…somewhere :wink:


What I meant by your end is that the forum is working fine. It’s either your settings or your IP. Others may have the same problem as you do, but you whine the loudest. :slight_smile:

Joe Zullo said:

Others may have the same problem as you do, but you whine the loudest. :slight_smile:

Listen Joe,

Maybe you should learn a little something about how the internet works :wink:

It could very well be a business dispute between AT&T and the internet provider Korm’s host uses.

It could be Korm’s host server refusing my computer’s request for information.

Just because YOU are receiving the information, does not mean the problem is on my end.

I help people here at LSC all the time. If I have a problem, I try to work on a solution.

Since you consider this whining, let’s hope you never need my help :wink:

Of course, since you are the “all knowing”…I’m sure this won’t be a problem.



Your use of materials is what sucks me into your posts Korm. I have no interest in what you choose to model. I just enjoy what you decide on and how you choose to model it with materials on hand.

That make sense?

Try using

if you can see the pictures via this site there is something blocking the IP address of the site you are trying to look at. I have had a similar problem with were I could not access his site directly, solved at the moment but who knows.


The pictures came up fine on the Mac Mini with the 24-inch screen and the iPad.

It would have been a different case a few months ago. We had good tech support from Verizon and larded their router was operating at less than 1/3 speed. They replaced it in one day!