Large Scale Central

Small expansion

Last Spring I extended the logging siding by about 15 ft or so. I always liked the way the log siding looked but never get to run trains on a regular basis through the siding. Since i dont do operations I always thought I needed a way to run service through that area on a regular basis. I spent the last year gathering some track and then came up with a plan. I decided that I would extend the siding and hook it into the main line. I layed the track out from the end of the logging siding and had it hook up to the end of my s curve by the mine siding. The yellow playdo container marked the end of the logging siding

The log siding is on left. Track loops around. The old portable sawmill will become a tannery.

This is where the track ties back into the main line.

Closer look at where the siding reconnects to the main line

Overview of the new siding

Next step will be to level and balast the new siding. Then when the weather warms i will plant some nice bushes or spruce trees along the new siding. I test ran my steamer and my indy through the new siding and all ran great even with no leveling.

Looks great Shawn

Make hay while the sun shines…:wink:

Looks good!

Looks good Shawn. Lots of room in a small space. I like the improvements you come up with

Thanks guys. The other nice thing about being able to use the log siding is if there are ever any clearance issues or rock slides with the tunnel, trains can detour around it by taking the log siding.

Pretty neat. I have to still think where I can add a logging area or branch. Maybe some switchbacks. What is you smallest dia?

Jason Kovac said:
Pretty neat. I have to still think where I can add a logging area or branch. Maybe some switchbacks. What is you smallest dia?
Jay my smallest are the aristo 6.5ft track Good to see you on LSC. Its a great group over here.

Guess Ill have to bring up some of my smaller locos. Think a K28 may be out of the question. Question is what to bring! Pretty excited I am going to be a new owner of a unrun Catatonk Climax. Always wanted one but never had the chance to get it. Now I do though I did sell my current Climax to fund the purchase of the new one. Mike Chaney really put his bar high when he built these little gems. My favorite little loco is my Porter, though it is in the hands of Malcom Wright for a few repairs.

Shawn said:
Thanks guys. The other nice thing about being able to use the log siding is if there are ever any clearance issues or rock slides with the tunnel, trains can detour around it by taking the log siding.
Now you can get a K :P

Seriously…very jealous :smiley:

Well the guys were busy today preparing the land for the new expansion to the log siding. The crew is digging and removing ubstructions along the new planed path.



A wall had to be built to hold back some of the earth and keep it from callapsing on the railbed.



Some cribbing was added along the le3ft side using some left over timber.


Track is being layed


Balst added


Test run




The guys need to order another load of balast for one one layer. Nothing open on Sundays. When the warm weather starts plants will be added. Im thinking taller shrubs along the outside.

Your guys are lucky to be able to work so early in the year. And they’re doing a great job! Here the ground is still pretty soft. I started on moving a few rocks that I have been tripping over for years, but after digging one huge hole to get one out that was barely visible from the surface I came back in where it’s warm :slight_smile:

Geez, now you’ll have to re-write the article in GR and show the improvements…:wink:


It’s looking good so far.


Shawn said:
Balst added [url]


[/url] Test run [url]



Shawn the addition looks great. I noted you have a couple slouches on your work crew, hope they helped out a little bit :slight_smile: :slight_smile: I reposted the above picks because you mentioned putting some taller growth in on the outside of the new trackage. IMHO you might consider a tree line between the house and RR to act as a view block. I’d place them tight and kind of scattered to look like natural growth. edit because the pics don’t seem to post

Great addition Shawn, coming along nicely. But like Hollywood said, I too did notice some slouches. Hard to get any work out of fellows laying down or wandering around playing ‘pocket pool’. Maybe send them up to Mr. Russell’s cabin for a tongue lashing.

Thanks guys. Hollywood and Randy its tough getting good work crew. As you can see Rooster was sleeping on the rocks as usual. Hollywood I was planing to add some tall shrubs in that section to hide the house. Im thinking about rosemarry. I have it on one section already by trestles and it seems to work great and grows tall. Work was suspended due or is it do to snowshowers moving in. Here is an overview




I think you should put your “Signed Ass” to work! :wink:

The expansion is just about complete. I went to my local lowes to pick some wood up and instead I saw that they had their plants out. I was able to pick up a couple of the dwarf albert spruce trees for 6 and change. They also had smaller dwarf alberta spruces for 3 and change. I bought all they had. I have never seen them that size being sold at lowes. I spent the last two days getting the new section done. I moved the spar tree from the camp and relocated it further up the line. I planted all the spruces alog the entire section. Now it looks like the track goes through a pine forest. Overall view







Wonderfully done! Looks like you got quite deal on the dwarf spruces, the Lowes down here charged me 9 dollars for a 18" roughly which was the smallest I could find.

You certainly had a nice day for that, Shawn. Looks good. I spent a few bucks at Lowes today too, but on some perennials and had the mixed freight runnin…