Well I still haven’t abandon the idea completely of putting the intended trucks on this. I was alone at work today so spent some time designing the new and improved version. In Fusion I have a set of wheels that I mocked up based on measurements from old plastic wheel sets as a gauge. I then designed a 3’7" outside hung brake arch bar truck in 1:20.3.
These trucks have a very specific purpose. This was what I plan to use for if and when I very get my VIC inspired train that will maneuver 30"diameter curves. As such I want a short wheel base truck with bolster mounted couplers, and have those couplers be sprung like a Kaydee truck.
I designed a set and printed them and went to use them on this build and discovered a few things about my original design that I didn’t like. #1 the truck overall was too small and the wheel flanges would have touched the bolster. The couplers were also very small in scale compared to the rest. And finally its a one piece design which is what proved to be the fatal flaw.
So in the redesign I think I addressed all my issues. I also made a pocket for bearings for the axles which I wasn’t going to have on the original set but I am really wanting to put bearings in any new cars I build.
Without further ado, here is the new design and if I get the time and gumption and get good prints I might end up putting these on this car.
I should note these are 5 piece trucks. Each side frame, the bolster, the coupler, and coupler box cover.