Large Scale Central

Sinsley's 2025 MIK. Everett & Sons circus car

Well I still haven’t abandon the idea completely of putting the intended trucks on this. I was alone at work today so spent some time designing the new and improved version. In Fusion I have a set of wheels that I mocked up based on measurements from old plastic wheel sets as a gauge. I then designed a 3’7" outside hung brake arch bar truck in 1:20.3.
These trucks have a very specific purpose. This was what I plan to use for if and when I very get my VIC inspired train that will maneuver 30"diameter curves. As such I want a short wheel base truck with bolster mounted couplers, and have those couplers be sprung like a Kaydee truck.

I designed a set and printed them and went to use them on this build and discovered a few things about my original design that I didn’t like. #1 the truck overall was too small and the wheel flanges would have touched the bolster. The couplers were also very small in scale compared to the rest. And finally its a one piece design which is what proved to be the fatal flaw.

So in the redesign I think I addressed all my issues. I also made a pocket for bearings for the axles which I wasn’t going to have on the original set but I am really wanting to put bearings in any new cars I build.

Without further ado, here is the new design and if I get the time and gumption and get good prints I might end up putting these on this car.

I should note these are 5 piece trucks. Each side frame, the bolster, the coupler, and coupler box cover.

That looks great.
Can’t wait to see the results when you finish.

I am not promising these for this build. I don’t know if I have enough resin on hand for one thing. And two not sure I will have the time. I have trucks that will work for it. This would be a nice bonus.

Those trucks are beautiful, I hope you can make them. And I know you can.

But perhaps consider the course of making the basic car first, and then adding whatever details you can jam in with the remaining time?

Just 2 cents, and after inflation it’s only .24 cents.

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Thats the plan. I have very serviceable trucks with LGB hook and loop couplers. So they will work just fine. If I can squeeze the trucks in and more importantly see if I have enough resin to even print them for the challenge.

As for an update. The cladding is all done.

And here is the boo boo I was talking about. Need to saw those corner pieces out and move them up after I build the deck and frame.

I agree, Devon, those are great looking trucks. Hope you are able to use them for your MIK project. If not, well, it just means we get to watch you build another car to use them on. That’s a plus for us.

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Devon… Do you have an Oscillating saw? It’s made to order to cut out those corner blocks…

If not… then a sharp chisel. But are you allowed to have sharp objects alone without adult supervision?

No Dave I wish I did. It’d be perfect. I am just going to use a hack saw blade and patience

or you take a big drill, drill a hole from below into that piece of wood, and then just chisel away the rest.

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Thats a notable option. I might start there

Another idea that would save cutting the corner blocks: Try building a deck with the corners cut out so it will recess as you desire. That might require some blocking for attachment.

There in lies the biggest problem. Those corner blocks were going to serve dual duty. #1 was a place to screw up through the bottom of the deck to hold it all together. Notching out the deck and then adding more blocking to screw into seems counter productive. This really isn’t the end of the world. Sawing it out or more likely doing what Korm suggested and just drilling and breaking it out is the right was to go. I will clean it all up and remove the pins that shot through with the dremel and then just put new blocks in. It definitely isn’t a show stopper. Thankfully its all in the interior.

Korm’s idea worked like a charm. After the home was drilled it busted out quite easily. Not pretty but it’s not gonna be seen. Cleaned up the pins with a diamond wheel. It’s all very serviceable and didn’t mess up any of the outside or damage anything.

So thanks for the suggestion Korm.

Up next ill finish detailing the outside and send it to paint. Probably should have painted first but thankfully the details a minimal so I can paint them after I spray the body.

On that note the sides are gonna be white. Ends are going to be blue. And roof and trim work will be red. I have an idea for some art work on the sides as well. Simultaneously I’ll work on the deck and frame.

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Nice. I think that earned 100 recovery points!

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Progress. The frame and decking are done. 20250117_180436_1POt9hhb7L_havY1JDC2Y_vrRl1wmm73

And this is who it’s all for Everett. He is the older one. My newest is wyatt.

Next up will be to reinstall the internal blocking and then i am gonna paint it.


Kid-zilla has successors! By the time your grandkids are MIK-ing, Kid-zilla may be here under true name!


Sorry Eric but I think like 'Rooster"
‘Kid-Zilla’ is going to stick unless he cuts all family ties. :smiley:


Beautiful children. Thankfully they took their grandmothers good looks and traits.

Spitting image of their father. They both look like dad. I see very little of my daughter in either of them.

So i am thinking of changing directions. Not with this build but with what will pull it. I have to admit the Steinz is not my favorite locomotive. Just too euro for me. I have had a 2-4-0 LGB on my shelf for awhile. It’s a much more American looking locomotive. And it’s an oil burner which is kinda fun. Can run off used fryer oil from all the carnival food. At any rate I think i could have a lot more fun building on that.

None of that matters really toward the build. I got the blocks in place and drilled holes through the deck to mount it. And the roof is gluing up as we speak.

By changing locomotives it does change the need for an electronics car. All of the electronics will fit in the locomotive and tender. But batteries are another issue. So this box car will become a dedicated battery car.