Trying to figure out how to put a picture in my signature.
Trying again to get signature to show up.
Now signature shows up. Picture link must be wrong.
Trying a different link location.
And again.
I think I got it!
Now reduce size by half.
Can somebody give me a hand with my signature? I have replaced both the image and the text in my profile but nothing changes in my posts.
Under settings there is a tab called “forum Signature”. You need to edit that.
Dang it, I got the tag line changed but I can’t get the image code to load
Twenty seven tries but I got it
Vic, you see that I don’t have a picture in my signature. (
You know, when you edit your profile, it updates all your other posts.
You don’t need to make a new post to see if your signature changed, just refresh a page with ANY post you made.
I was trying to update thru my profile but was getting no response. Using the Settings however did work, just have to find the right image code as:
[img] ______ [\img]
doesn’t work, its the other code that I had success with:
<img src="________">
Note * is a simply a spacer as I cannot get the text to display. omit the * in the image tag