Large Scale Central


There’s a guy down the street who is building an arc. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gee, and the Sun is out here - right now that is!! I am not to sure about a nice summer, Steve! But we can always hope.


Don’t knock it Steve. From the looks of the weather map we’re the only cool area in the country. I’ll take the drizzle over oppressive heat anytime. Of course to me 80F is oppressive. hehe!

High of 109 and nothing but sun today here in Az. I’ll trade you!


Don’t lose hope, remember summer doesn’t start until July 5th in the PNW.

Mike Phillips said:
Don't lose hope, remember summer doesn't start until July 5th in the PNW.
I grew up in Wenatchee. Summer starts there on May 5, and lasts to Oct 6.

Things are unpredictable here above 2800 feet.

Here in Ottwa, we should see Winter starting any day now…!!

40 year highs for river flows, multiple road closures due to wash-outs , flood evacuations and evacuation notices, problems with the drinking water systems due to turbitity. Mushrooms as big as dinner plates where they usually peak out at 2" diameter before it gets too dry. Yes, we live in a semi-arid area, it’s just hard to tell right now. On the positive side … no need for irrigation in the garden and less chance of wild fires.

All this rain is just growing fuel for the fire season in a month or two.

Ain’t life grand?

104 here on Tuesday. Fire danger is high all over central US.

Steve Featherkile said:
All this rain is just growing fuel for the fire season in a month or two.

Ain’t life grand?

That fuel grows all year round, the extra grass is no big deal. But it is interesting to see the substantial piles of Ponderosa cones that have come off the trees and are being flushed to the low spots. Now that is real fuel, suckers burn like crazy.

Those I sweep up around the property. They burn brightly in the outdoor fireplace, don’t they?

The thoughts and prayers from the tac family for all those poor folks in Colorado affected by the fires there. So far over 300 homes have been destroyed and almost 35,000 people evacuated around the Silverton area, home of one of the world’s most famous heritage railroads.

I feel a definitive national emergency coming on here, folks.


Colorado Springs, Tac. Not Silverton. 300 or so miles difference. The Durango & Silverton is in no danger from any of the current fires burning in the state. There are three near-ish to Durango, but still far enough away not to remotely pose any danger. As dry as it is, that can change with a single lightning strike, though, so we’re receptive of the prayers and rain dances.



Steve Featherkile said:
Those I sweep up around the property. They burn brightly in the outdoor fireplace, don't they?
We collect them, too. We call it yard waste. The collections I mentioned are in the park, we live right next to the park (out the back gate) and there have been two instances when we had a fire. One was in the middle of the night, some yahoo who was out back having a smoke, the fire was about 100ft from the house. We had the garden hoses going full blast until the fire dept showed up. The second one was approx 600m from our place, same deal; some yahoo smoking and tossing the butt.
