Large Scale Central

Shows and modules

My recent posting elsewhere has brought to mind the subject of modules and the operations.

At train shows, does your club:

Let children operate a train?
If so, do you have special trains for them.
If not, why not?
LSC member Steve Featherkile lets children run his trains at our shows.

Our club does not operate on highly detailed, decorated modules.
We basically operate flat, wooden sections.
We set up and take down in under 60 minutes.
We have no desire to build highly decorated modules.
If we had a club house, then yes I could see a permanent decorated layout.

At shows the other clubs (N, HO, etc) always operate highly decorated and animated modules.
Most people just give them a passing glance and gather around our “G” modules.

Are you open and friendly with the patrons?
I’ve noticed that a lot of the smaller gauge modular operators are aloof, and some are downright rivet counting snobs.

Let’s hear about your club’s modules and their operation.


At train shows, does your club:

Let children operate a train?

It depends. The Gateway Garden Railroad Club normally does not. But if we just have the Kaskaskia Valley Switching Layout modeled after John Allen’s “TimeSaver” and the “Ingenook Yard” is set up by itself, yes.

If so, do you have special trains for them.

If not, why not?
It disturbs the guys that are sleeping at the throttle station.

Are you open and friendly with the patrons?
We try to be, but we do have people sign up to be the scheduled/assigned grouch. There is usually a waiting line for the assigned grouch job. Actually most of us go out of our way to be nice, but I have heard members say, “speak to him he’s suppose to be nice, today”. We do have a picture album of our garden railroads at trains shows and advertise our Spring and Fall Operations Sessions.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the smaller gauge modular operators are aloof, and some are downright rivet counting snobs.

Who ever thought of this question, does not have much familiarity with “LGB People” and “Live Steamers”. These guys can be the “Kings of Snobbery”. However there are a few exceptions

Let’s hear about your club’s modules and their operation.

This is really well documented on LSC. Do a search of “Operations” with the search engine.

Ric Golding said:
Do a search of "Operations" with the search engine.
Is the search engine battery, track powered, or live steam?????

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

sorry, I just couldn’t let that one pass…

…This is really well documented on LSC. Do a search of “Operations” with the search engine.

Too frikken lazy!

Just wundrin if us LS show operators are any different than the stuck-up snobbish smaller gauge show operators.
Maybe we iz…:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Andy Clarke said:
Ric Golding said:
Do a search of "Operations" with the search engine.
Is the search engine battery, track powered, or live steam?????

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

sorry, I just couldn’t let that one pass…

worser…it’s a disease-al

jb said:
Let children operate a train? If so, do you have special trains for them. If not, why not? LSC member Steve Featherkile lets children run his trains at our shows.
Akshully, it was Chuck's train that I was letting the little crumb crunchers run. :lol: :P

Is the search engine battery, track powered, or live steam???


“Too frikken lazy!”

You haven’t seen lazy. We got club members that practice sleeping at club meetings, so they can get a good nap at a Train Show.

"Just wundrin if us LS show operators are any different than the stuck-up snobbish smaller gauge show operators. Maybe we iz… "

Some are and some aren’t, but I think there are advance classes on snobbishness. It is disguised as setting up or tearing down live steam tracks at Marty’s.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Last weekend at trainfest, a boy ran a train on the same track as I did for an hour. He did a fine job and we kept the two trains spaced roughly evenly. It was easier to maintain spacing with him than with some of the adults.

The layout was 50 ft on a side, so there was plenty of space for two.

…You haven’t seen lazy. We got club members that practice sleeping at club meetings, so they can get a good nap at a Train Show.

Member Steve Featherkile is guilty as sin concerning that.
Every time I look over at him, his head is in his chest and the remote antenna sticking out of his lap.
I believe he has rear-ended everyone in the club at least twice!
He must think it is “Bump-to-pass” train racing!

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: