My recent posting elsewhere has brought to mind the subject of modules and the operations.
At train shows, does your club:
Let children operate a train?
If so, do you have special trains for them.
If not, why not?
LSC member Steve Featherkile lets children run his trains at our shows.
Our club does not operate on highly detailed, decorated modules.
We basically operate flat, wooden sections.
We set up and take down in under 60 minutes.
We have no desire to build highly decorated modules.
If we had a club house, then yes I could see a permanent decorated layout.
At shows the other clubs (N, HO, etc) always operate highly decorated and animated modules.
Most people just give them a passing glance and gather around our “G” modules.
Are you open and friendly with the patrons?
I’ve noticed that a lot of the smaller gauge modular operators are aloof, and some are downright rivet counting snobs.
Let’s hear about your club’s modules and their operation.