Large Scale Central

Show season begins

Began disconnecting the “Timesaver Yard” at J. Allen for the St. Louis Area Train Show over Thanksgiving Weekend. Last year was the first time in many years our club was not part of the show. We still attended, but it cerrtainly wasn’t the same. This year, we are back in the show and setup is the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Work through the next week and then the Saturday after the Thanksgiving Weekend, we set up for a month at the Oliver C. Joseph Chrysler Dealership in Belleville, Illinois. The following weekend, the car dealership has a big open house and we have a running session for the day.

All good fun and the beginning of the Winter Train Season. If you are in the St. Louis Area, or coming through the area, stop by.

Ya know…I understand that the Cincinnatti Club has problems with getting into the local shows from time to time with their modules…seems the powers that be don’t wanna accept large scale as part of the program…

I have heard the HO and N dealers complain that the Large Scale folks take up valuable floor space. In our part of the World, you hardly see serious O or S anymore at the shows. Maybe a Lionel or American Flyer setup, but that’s all collector stuff and nostalgia. Over the last 10 years, train shows have really changed. That is why we accept being in a car delearship for a month. He wants us there. He pays us. Its warm inside. And we have a good time.

'Spose we could say the same about N and HO, 'cept their layouts are cool too :smiley:

A few shots of the Friday afternoon setup of the Gateway Garden Railroad Club Modular Layout. Ready for the doors to open at 10 am tomorrow morning, Saturday, of the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend. The show is in Collinsville, Illinois. 7 miles from the Gateway Arch on Interstate 70.











Photos courtesy of Jan Golding, Editor of “The Short Line” official newsletter of the GGRC

Nice work Jan :smiley:

I especially like the one of Ric on his hands and knees under the modules… Looking for a dropped part ??

Jon Radder said:
Nice work Jan :D

I especially like the one of Ric on his hands and knees under the modules… Looking for a dropped part ??

Naw, I think he’s just tryin to sneak away…:wink:

I see quite a few familiar faces in those pix. Hope you have a good weekend.

Jon Radder said:
Nice work Jan :D

I especially like the one of Ric on his hands and knees under the modules… Looking for a dropped part ??

Jon, He’s under there, cause he’s small and fits, wihtout getting cramps… hehehehe

Actually, he under there installing the clamps and bolts that hold the modules together…

Saturday was a very good day, crowdwise. Lots of people around the modules most of the day. Good times and plenty of fun. The show is only 6 hours long, both Saturday and Sunday. This seems short, but is ending up being quite workable.

A few more pictures of last weekend. John, Jack and Skip watching the controls. And Ken Patterson of Bachmann advertising photos fame standing in the back ground with the red jacket on.


The crowds watching the activities.


The younger crowd always enjoy the big trains.


Some trains are geared toward the younger minds.


What was on that train?


What are those penguins doing on top of the caboose?



What is being shipped out in the unmarked plain white truck from the freight house? Where is that meat packing plant? This can’t be good.


AndyC has some explainering todo.

Sea Gulls leave a mess, but Penguins are worse…!!!1

So how many penguins can a polar bear eat?

I know that answer, but, I’ll let someone else try, tyvm…

Not many, if you figure that the Polar bear would have a long swim to be anywhere near a Penquin…unless both were in a zoo near you…!!!

Tomorrow, the Gateway Garden Railroad Club modular layout gets setup at the Oliver C. Joseph Chrysler Dealership in Belleville, Illinois on Illlinois Route 15, just east of St. Louis, Missouri. It will stay there for the Holiday Season. More fun begins tomorrow morning.

Wow! Nice setup Ric. Looks like you guys are really organized. Did you make the racks for storing and transporting the module pieces?


Thank You for the nice comments.

The racks (we call them bread racks) were custom built to hold the modules. Well organized? We have chaos down to a science. :wink: Current projects have to do with trying to keep the carts from coming through the sides or front of the trailer during a sudden stop and how to haul an extremely large trailer with not that may large towing vehicles. It is all a lot of fun with a great many people trying to enjoy the hobby the way they want to and get along with other people that have another idea. We call that a “club”.

Just raise the dues and buy one of these for the club…



I almost got run out of town on a rail (railroad humor) because I have suggested a 10% increase in annual dues. Yep, wanted to go from $10/year to $11/year. I don’t know if this group could handle a dues increase.

nice truck, how many gallons to the mile???