IMG_2726 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_2725 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
Ms 2 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
I personally like a little larger ribs on mine,
I use .004 steel shim stock, I set it of with muratic acid, let it get rusty then wire brush off with a dremel where i want it to be less rusty.
I find it easier to remove unwanted rust than to get rust in certain areas. Then coat with a couple coats of good Matte clear UV protective
spray to stop the rusting, at least for a year or two.
Sheet roller by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
Someone will ask what I roll steel with, I have used the paper crimper with .0015 or one and half thousaths , still tough to get pretty deep crimps.
So I built this, bought the pinions from McMaster carr, handles .004 very well, I can reduce the depth of corragation by the bolts on top.
Sheet roller by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr