Some people may not be aware that the first commercial oil well, drilled with the intent of finding oil, was drilled not for from here near Titusville Pennsylvania. That spurred the first oil boom, and many wells were drilled in and around that area. So oil wells are somewhat common in Pennsylvania.
Jessie was well aware of this. She was also aware that a geological survey suggested that there might be oil under the area outside of Gastonville. Now Jessie is rather lazy, but she is also an opportunist. When a parcel of land, the old John Stankus farm, came up for auction, she bid on one of the parcels. She knew that the Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad was planning on building its southern terminus outside of Gastonville, and just a casual look at the rolling hills in the area told her that a railroad would almost certainly have to be built on the low bluff outside of town. She was right, and a few years later the railroad surveyed and subsequently laid tracks in the area. Actually the track bisected her parcel, and she made some money selling the right of way to the P&CS. Several years later, the right of way was moved, and again she made a little money selling that right of way to the railroad. Even with those sales, Jessie still owns a decent parcel of land outside of Gastonville.
Now, like I said, Jessie is an opportunist, and she invested some of the money that she had made, selling part of her land to the P&CS, in the Pittsburgh and Southern Railroad. When the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad leased the P&S, so they would have rail access into Pittsburgh, the value of the stock that she had in the P&S went up, and she sold her shares as quickly as she could. I also said that Jessie is rather lazy, so she hired her half brother, Clem, to set up a drilling rig on her property. Clem lived up to his reputation, and failed miserably. The last we saw of Clem, he was riding the 4:27 out of town, with a whiskey bottle in his hand, a half empty whiskey bottle.
Around this time, kerosene was quickly replacing whale oil for household lighting, and Pennsylvania crude oil was also well known as an excellent lubricant for the machinery, that is being used more and more in the manufacturing sector. So Jessie was determined to cash in on this oil boom, before it went bust. After all, oil is just a fad you know. But she didn’t know who she could get to drill a well for her on her property. Jessie talked to The Atlantic Refining company, and they gave her the names of a pair of rather shifty looking “wild-caters”. Well, since she had no other options, she contacted the pair and they worked out an agreement to drill an oil well on her land.