Large Scale Central

Servicing Aristo

I have been having a challenging time servicing Aristo Eggliners and an FA.

Those engines that "never need servicing? are a joke. Don’t believe it.

Anyway I found a parts diagram today that may help. I never saw it before.

It is a parts diagram for the Eggliner and I believe the same goes for the newer FAs. You will find it at

You can also ask here, several of us have downloaded everything we can find…

Here’s my list of the “exploded parts” diagrams for Aristo.

Anyone who wants one EMAIL me (not private message, and not here in the forum)… (with a lot of responses all I have to do is reply and attach the files).

Gee Greg, I have some of them, but I didn’t download the ones of stuff I didn’t have. I also have a few LGB ones somewhere on this darn drive, or I should.

I’ll trade you!

When the company started to go away, I vacuumed up all I could… I have pretty complete sets of owners manuals, and a good collection of USAT also.


There is also a link to them on the Aristo forum website in the General forum.

Maybe for now (

Actually, not all are there, as you read the thread you will see some missing.

I have been scanning all the owners manuals I can find, and I don’t think they are posted.

Knut indicated a more complete set here:

Anyway I have them all, just in case someone else goes offline.
