Large Scale Central

Secret Club Handshake

Fred ,
As you are so nice to me , I shall let you in on The Secret . The Handshake is performed thus…no! , NO! I wasn’t going to tell , honest! Aaarrrgh , AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaarrrrrrrgh .

Sorry , won’t do it again .

muted mike

Fred I think it has something to do with a drink in one hand, a smoke in the other and no shoes on. But I could be wrong.

It has to do with an eccentric rod, I think

The fools actually tried to file charges against us for shooting at them. The Sheriff was not amused and told them to consider themselves lucky we were bad shots.

Sory to jump the gun. Even after all this time i’m a bit sore on the subject of “activists”.
-and now back to trains…

Fr. Fred First you have to get your shop apron on. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

Oh,… David; do you mean the apron I use when butchering LGB equipment !! Is a pruning saw part of the ritual ?

I just know you need the apron.

Will the secret handshake become part of the LSC membership meetings ?

  With the handshake, will a person get to enjoy a coffee with Young Mr.Polk ?

Does it give you an opportunity to feed honey to the Aristo Bear…? By the way, what is the Bear’s name…Is the Bear male or female, and does it know of the secret handshake ? The Bear must be in Hibernation at this time, so there is no way to ask it…!!!

 We got question....many questions......even without bringing the girls from the bordello into the limelight...!!!

Fred has been inundated with emails impugning his reputation because I said he was nice to me .
Just to put it in context , the following have also been nice to me :
A Hitler , H Goering , Pol Pot , J Stalin , B Obama , TOC , TAC , Mik , and others .
If you feel that you should be on this list , apply enclosing a $5 joining fee to -Mybank , England


“Maybe, just maybe, the secret will be revealed, at the show and tell/drag and brag, in York at the ECLSTS…or maybe in the Alcove, where Ric pretends to have control over a fine bunch of “Fiends”…!!!”

I have never thought I was in control of anything. It is obvious I am not always in control of the trains and I have pictures to prove it. As to the group of friends that gather in the Alcove. It just happens.

I am not part of the conspiracy ( therefore stating that I think there is one, but that I do not participate).

All are welcome as long as they remain civil. Pre - warning is required if some do not wish to remain civil, that’s just so we can get the cameras rolling and perserve for any future legal or illegal actions. Court orders or blackmail notes I’ve been told have followed the most memorable moments.

68 days and a wake up, until the next scheduled event.

"Brother Candidate, the Secret Handshake of the Brotherhood is given thus:
You will stand erect and face the Track:
Grasp the RCS controller firmly in the right hand and with a firm and distinct pressure apply force to the button found on the rightmost side, thereby imparting forward motion to the Ferroequinological conveyance of your choice.
Upon said conveyance having attained preferred velocity, removed the pressure being applied by your thumb.
This is the first part of the Grip.
With the Left Hand, Brother Candidate, grasp the tankard, can, bottle or jug of liquid imbibance closest to you (which you have previously selected according to the Ancient Customs and Procedures…), and, in a slow and formal manner, paying all the respect due to the Great Liquor Store Owner of the Universe, raise the vessel, chalice, pestle or flagon to your lips and imbibe the contents thereof, giving Thanks for its goodness.
This is the second part of the Grip.
Referring once again to the Right Hand, Brother Candidate, and again calling to your attention the aforementioned thumb, place this digit on the leftmost button of the RCS controller and with a firm and continuous pressure bring your Ferroequinological conveyance to a halt at its designated position in the East.
This is the third part of the Grip.
Brother Candidate, with this Secret Grip I welcome you into the Brotherhood as a duly initiated Brother Master Operator.
So mote it be.

Doc, Phil, Dude, Your Dudeness,
You are showing your downunderness.
The button on the left make it go, the second from the left makes it stop.
The third from the left makes it go slower, but only of if it was going faster and the furthest to the right changes direction.
Ole Tony has dealt you a crooked hand.

A fine reflection on a good idea of what a “Railroadian” handshake could be, my dear brother Creer.
At least you seemed to get the whole thing into some order, but the “East, West” configureation may cause discomfort to a one armed two legged pantiwaisted soul, running around with anything but an RCS throttle in his one hand.

May I suggest we acknowledge the use of the original RCS throttle (The small well proportioned one that fits easily into a breast pocket) is the most sensible. It is probably the best designed throttle ever made.
The main problem in this confusing world of Toy Trains, that seem to just run in continuous circles; is the percieved need of the throttle holding individual, to have a button for every conceivable noise ever thought of…engine crew farts and all, along with more buttons for washroom lights, and every light that mother could dream of putting on a Christmas tree. You now have throttles that need wheels on them in order to drag them along where you walk.

Your “Handshake” suggestion is probably the most well thought out one that will hit the walls of this Forum. But will it become the “Gold Standard” of this LSC group, or become a standard for all true LS Model Railroaders on the old Glowball…even young Tony is “Pushing” a new and greatly enlarged “Belt Pack”, for his RCS system, and I think the old old original pocket sized throttle along with it’s old 27mh system will finally bite the dust in the not too distant future.
I still use the 27mh radio channels, and gel cells, but if I were starting new today, would be looking closely at the new telephone channels for my R/C future. (Without the extra buttons for noise and flashing lights, if I could find one).

So, young Bro.Creer…I honour your handshake idea, and will try practising on an empty cigarrette package, with buttons painted on it, in hopes of meeting another person that can only seem to use one arm at a time, at York in the Spring.

The other part of the handshake, involving appropriate holy water in the user’s choice of containers, is very well thought out. I’m sure it won’t offend people who are of a temporate nature, or those that are bound and determined to dehydrate themselves. Again…we must admit that the part of the handshake action involved in the holywater action; makes use of that other arm, that as I said earlier; doesn’t exist, or is, as I just described; already in use.

 Phil, my dear son. I'm more than willing to try to meet you at some location, where we could desperately try to work out these the place and send the train tickets......I'll be there with a good quantity of holy water for the experiments.