Large Scale Central

Scranton Annual Steam Up

Just a reminder the Scranton Annual Steam Up is coming up in February (Presidents Weekend) February 15 and 16th. Im not sure about the 17th I heard they were not doing the 17th from Clem. Its always a great time and low key running live steam. Clem from Warrior Run has his modular layout for non steam engines plus trolley rides, weather permitting. I will be their for set up the 14 and running the 15 and 16th. Here is a preview


last year


Shawn, love the crickets. and I see you got some air time;)

Heres a new preview for the Scranton Steamup. I will be their Friday (help set up) through Sunday.


One week away. Who plans on going and what day. They changed one date around. It starts Friday Feb 14 and ends Sunday Feb 16th. They took Monday the 17 away. Ill be their all three days.

I still need to dig out from this last storm and with more snow arriving Saturday so I think I will need to pass this year. If Sunday turns out to be a nice day and the wife wants to take a long ride we might show up, but probably not (Sounds like that Sprint commercial).

we had a late start setting the track up Friday but by 2 the track arrived and was set up by 4. Today attendance was down by a lot. The snow today did not help. Got a lot of track time. Will be heading out again tomorrow, weather should be much better.