Large Scale Central

Scale (1:20.3) Ties and lumber

Can anyone point me toward a source of 1:20.3 cut lumber? I need ties and timbers for two bridge deck projects, and would prefer to be able to specify lengths with the idea that they’ll all be the same when finished :stuck_out_tongue: … my usual supplier of such things may not work out.

For this project, I need:

Sixty (60) 8x8 ties 6 inches long. (.394 x .384)

Several timbers 4x8: (.197 x .394) These will be guard timbers; no issue cutting these myself, as a little off here or there won’t make it look bad.

And, a bunch of NBW castings for the guard timbers, and a bunch of spikes.

Matthew (OV)

Matthew (OV),
For cut cedar and redwood, I’ve had good luck from two places. Garden Texture models ( , and this guy on ebay:

Both offer custom cutting. I find this MUCH easier than doing it myself and their stuff is much more uniform than the results I could achieve. It’s also way less sawdust!

I buy my spikes from Switchcrafters ( ) Ozark offers NBW, but I’ve also bought Grandtline from Caboose Hobbies.

The guy on ebay cut all my cedar for my bridges and buildings. Contact him for special cuts.

Kappler lumber is a good source also,
I have not purchased for a while but good guys to work with

The guy on e-Bay (Jim) proved to be VERY helpful … thanks! (Highly recommend to all.)

Matthew (OV)

I had forgotten his name. (old timers dizees).
Jim and his wife actually stopped by my place once and asked to see what I had done with his cedar.
His wife couldn’t stop snapping pics.
He also said, that if I wanted to supply the stock: (Redwood, alder, etc) he would cut it for me as well.
He is also a small one man operation. (As talked about in the “Ozarks thread.”)