Large Scale Central

Salmons Produce

Wow–I go away to visit my folks for the weekend and come back to find Bruce has made a magnificent new building. I was in Bruce’s workshop not long ago–yes, I was invited–and saw no evidence of this project. The guy is amazing

You need to buy your neighbor’s house, or rent his yard. You need more room for more buildings

Ah, more buildings indeed. There just isn’t enough room. Today was such a nice day that I moved construction outside. Not a bad idea. That Welder contact cement really smells up the basement. I went ahead and put some redwood on the loading dock.


I also made a quick check to see how this would look in the final position.


Finally, I painted the roof. The Precision Products stuff is nice, BUT it’s got a few problems. The widest you can get is about 15 inches or so, plus it’s not very symmetrical. The roof tiles are all sorts of different sizes, so it makes it hard to join the pieces. I cut on a jagged line, but you can still see the line. (Don’t look close!) The paint is a mix of my red and gray. One quart of a color goes a LONG way.


Bob McCown said:
Bruce Chandler said:
I always thought you "Produce"d a lot. :D
Then it'd be Salmons Gas Company....
Which brings us back to the brewery.....heheheheheh

Ah, from 10’ away the roof looks just fine…:wink:

The roof looks fine to me, as does the rest of the building.

Bart Salmons said:
Bob McCown said:
Bruce Chandler said:
I always thought you "Produce"d a lot. :D
Then it'd be Salmons Gas Company....
Which brings us back to the brewery.....heheheheheh
Well, Fred gave me the Brewery in CraigLeigh, so you can have the Produce in Jackson............;)

What’s the status of Precision Products? Last I heard (May) they were out of production and looking for a new owner due to health problems. I hope they’re back in production. I’ve still got buildings to build!



Just got this response to my question to Precision Products about whether they are open for business.

" Yep still working 24/7, or so it seems."

Just ordered some stuff.

Well, I put the final finish coat on today and got it placed outside. I will let the dirt settle around it some more and then put some more around it.





It’s now ready for action!

Very nice! I like the tall and narrow look.

Bruce, the building looks fantastic…

Beautiful! Are the stairs at the door real wood?

Thanks. Yes, the steps as well as the loading dock are made from some thin redwood strips I had on hand. I did have to buy the siding and the roof pieces.

I decided the loading dock looked a bit too empty. Normally, I might have put this stuff closer to the building, but I wanted to be able to see them.





Who makes that shopkeeper figure?

Ray, that’s from Fine Folks. I got him from Ozark Miniatures.

Bruce the whole scene looks terrific. I love the detailing up in the eaves. Showed it to Kathleen and she was extremely impressed. Usually she just goes “oh yes that’s great” and walks away.

…“Showed it to Kathleen and she was extremely impressed.”


Did you two meet at a Mondale-Ferraro rally?

Mighty fine…I like it!..:wink:

Excellent work, again, Bruce.