I recently found myself dis-assembling a tank car to put it in to service. I had originally purchased it as a static storage tank. The assembly screws were fairly heavily rusted, one to the extend I had to remove it with a small pair of channel locks. Over time watching auto shows I like, I had seen advertisements for a product called ‘EVAPO-RUST’. Supposed to be non-toxic, and biodegradable. So I decided to give it a try. The photo below is of two screws from the project. The screw on the left is the screw I had to remove with channel locks. The screw on the right is after spending overnight in the EVAPO-RUST product.
I purchased my container at my local Advance Auto Parts store. It is also supposed to be available at AutoZone, O’Rileys, Walmart and other discount stores. I paid about $8.00 for a quart container.