Large Scale Central

Rumor about Polk Generation Next Closing

Shawn Viggiano said:

Nicolas Teeuwen said:

Where do people mostly find used stuff? In looking for used I have seen some on ebay and other places. Of course for me, msot of the used stuff I would be looking for would be track.

If you have facebook G scale swap and shop is a great source with great deals all the time. They seem to have lots of USA and Aristo stuff.

Thats nice Shawn but I already have you on my wall and throw darts at it every night!

Shawn Viggiano said:

Nicolas Teeuwen said:

Where do people mostly find used stuff? In looking for used I have seen some on ebay and other places. Of course for me, msot of the used stuff I would be looking for would be track.

If you have facebook G scale swap and shop is a great source with great deals all the time. They seem to have lots of USA and Aristo stuff.

I do have Facebook and found the Uk one…but I am states side.

The G scale swap and shop is a closed group try

so the guy on the right looks like a neighbor and I am guessing is Rooster the guy on the left I am guessing is Shawn.

Shady charactors those 2.

I never really did buy much brand new as it was outside my budget most times. Track was all LGB bought pre crash and burn and most all was second hand. Engines are a mix of Kalamazoo and LGB for now. I dont see the supply drying up, it may ebb and flow as collections come on the market, then get bought up again. The local(to me) G scale shop is Zionsville Train Depot, which rose from the ashes when Watts Train Shop closed. While he can get new LGB, its mostly just track thats in stock but he can order anything else thats available. But he gets in collections of trains, in all scales now, and its that second hand G scale I pick thru. I have an LGB 2019s that I got with store credit from him selling off my smaller scale HO and 2 rail O scale trains. I have no worries about finding trains to buy in my life time. I do wish a few on the drawing board would see the light of day. The USRA 0-6-0 that LGB was working on prior to the big crash and burn would be nice if Marklin finished that project. The AML GP60 diesel would also be nice to see finished up. I do see a future for people able to 3d print models or body kits for others to build engines using exhisting power trucks. Mike

Nicolas Teeuwen said:

Where do people mostly find used stuff? In looking for used I have seen some on ebay and other places. Of course for me, msot of the used stuff I would be looking for would be track.

For me, eBay and train shows have been the biggest source for me lately, see when the Great Train Show is in your area. They are usually a good place for people clearing out old layouts to sell things. As has been discussed, there is usually a good amount of used stuff around but it can be very hit and miss if you need that one specific thing.

I have always gotten my used equipment thru the old Watts Train Shop, which is unfortunatly gone now, but its been reborn as Zionsville Train Depot. He does have a website but its a long ways from having everything he has on it. They get in collections in all scales with a focus on G and many times have a good selection of used track and turnouts. You just never know whats going to be there when you go or call. Beyond that local shop, I just haunt train shows watching for large scale. Track is heavy and cumbersome and I have gotten super deals at shows just so they dont have to load it back up. Now I only use LGB track, so I have passed up many piles of Aristo and other brands of large scale track. I do not think I have bought any G scale “new”. I have gotten a few that were never run till I got them, but were several years old at the time I bought them. A bunch of the buildings on my railway came from a prominant local Dr’s layout that was being disposed of after his passing. I have pictures of the buildings and one of my engines on his basement layout in an old LGB Telegram magazine of mine. All bought thru Zionsville Train Depot. In the past I have tried to post up what all he gets in, the more he sells the more collections he can get in to sell. Getting harder to find large scale beyond ebay, and some folks are really wishing with thier pricing over there. A UK based forum I am active on has a forum catagory called “Shop Watch” for folks to post up stuff they see at various shops so that others that might be looking can make a purchase. Just one way to help keep the remaining dealers in business IMHO. Mike

" Rooster " said:

Shawn Viggiano said:

Nicolas Teeuwen said:

Where do people mostly find used stuff? In looking for used I have seen some on ebay and other places. Of course for me, msot of the used stuff I would be looking for would be track.

If you have facebook G scale swap and shop is a great source with great deals all the time. They seem to have lots of USA and Aristo stuff.

Thats nice Shawn but I already have you on my wall and throw darts at it every night!

Shut up Rooster. If you had FB you would see all my double rainbow pictures.

Nicolas Teeuwen said:

Shawn Viggiano said:

Nicolas Teeuwen said:

Where do people mostly find used stuff? In looking for used I have seen some on ebay and other places. Of course for me, msot of the used stuff I would be looking for would be track.

If you have facebook G scale swap and shop is a great source with great deals all the time. They seem to have lots of USA and Aristo stuff.

I do have Facebook and found the Uk one…but I am states side.

Their is a state side one as well. Try the link Steve provided.

Pete Lassen said:

so the guy on the right looks like a neighbor and I am guessing is Rooster the guy on the left I am guessing is Shawn.

Shady charactors those 2.

Haha very shady and dont believe a thing they say. The one on the right likes double rainbows.

I go thru Zionsville Train Depot here in Indiana. They deal in mostly all used and estate items in all scales with a focus on G and LGB. Just bought a 2019s Mogul there this last week. The stock on hand is constantly changing and do not go by just what the thier website shows. He probably has 3-4 times that in stock in various scales and brands. There is a whole collection of LGB thats not on there, mostly European freight and passenger cars, but a few USA prototypes as well, along with early production(yellow box) models. I know he has 3 moguls in stock, 2119d bumblebee, the PRR version and a 1 of 12 special early DRGW done from the 2018d by the factory. Mike

Two things, The Revolution is not dead, it was sold to someone else, before Louis /Naven shut it down. You will see them again soon. Second, don’t be surprised if you See new things coming from Aristo molds, and where not talking the cheap stuff. Who knows Dash Nine SD-45 ? You mite be surprised. Biggest thing is if they show up, so will all the repair parts !

Rex, I hope you are right.

I have always suspected that there is too much potential profit in those molds and jigs to just let them suck dust for too long.

I am right, I don’t post rumors ! I post facts. Just not all my sources.

Rex, I didn’t say you were wrong, nor that you were rumor mongering.

Like I said, I thought there was just too much money in them molds to let them sit. I figured the line would be resurrected, at least in part. Its just that I was way off on time-frames.

As F. Ross Johnson once said…Rumors are facts that haven’t happened yet!

That will be interesting to see what happens. I have long suspected Kader might have deliberately had things difficult for the Polk’s so they could expand into the 1/29 market but the recession thru that plan into a tizzy. The fact that they deliberately screwed over other long time clients in the smaller scales not that long ago by cancelling their contracts showed that the Chinese masters had no moral difficulty reneging on their contract obligations if it’s to their advantage. The reintroduction of the Eggliner is the first confirmation of this move to reuse the molds Aristo had contracted. Just me thinking out loud here.

Bob Frein said:

As F. Ross Johnson once said…Rumors are facts that haven’t happened yet!

Once, while bobbing around the Indian Ocean, no one seemed to know where our next port of call was going to be, even the well plugged in sources.

I decided to take matters in hand, and start a self-fullfilling prophecy. I planted the seed by telling three carefully selected people, “I heard that we are going to Pattaya Beach, Thailand.” Then I shut up.

Within three days, the word came down, we were going to Pattaya.

The power of the well placed rumor is amazing.

Bachmann owns all the Aristo Molds ! Anyone notice the egg liners by Bachmann. That’s just the beginning !

Rex yes. We know that Kader owns the molds, and owns Bachmann. And I think many of us were/are hoping that the egg-liner is just the beginning.