From your view point, what influence do operating displays have, if any, in generating new membership at the club level? What has been your experience in 2011?
Here in abundant recreation/hobby choice Southern California, the relationship between our SoCalGarden Railroad Society setting up displays for garden shows or other commercial or non-commercial events generating new memberships has proven to be negligible. Granted, the two-day display of a huge dog-bone layout plus four separate layouts with controllers for the kids, does capture many questions and interaction – yet, I think we found one new member. Yes, there were accolades for putting on the display and they were well deserved by the numbers of volunteers. Our most immediate presentation example was a giant garden show in south Orange County. Our group was there for two days and a singular new membership was the resulting “perk” from the show. However, before any immediate judgment is rendered: We do the displays for the fun of presentating the hobby independent of membership interest. However, the outcome, considering the abundant appreciative comments, is still puzzling considering why would this activity not generate particpation interest – at least to try out another event with SoCal as a “trial” member.
Your experience?