Large Scale Central

Rooster on the SF & Butthead Cove. R.R.

We move our videos of Roosters trip here on the SF& BC.R.R. so to keep Rooster moving on to other R.R.'s
Think a lot of people like to see it moving on the other post. So we will cont. show what he was doing on our R.R. and With Joel Harrison’s WP. R.R. with the interchange. This was a lot of fun, so here is Part 1,2 & 3 to not bore others on his trip over on the Original posts.



Rosters videos on trip to Joel Harrisons W.P. R.R. between these will be up later.


We’ll post rest of the video as soon as thing get better here with the wife in the Hospital for the last few day and more days to go yet… tks for watching. Noel


I’m very sorry to hear that Jane is hospitalized. I hope it is not too serious and we wish her a speedy recovery! She will be in our thoughts.

Best to Jane from Lou & Susan in New Jersey.

Here Rooster part 4 is on with CEO of SF&BCRR. ( Goofey Hot Pants dad ) Showing off the storage carts
Sorry getting it up so late.


Rooster on his way to Joel Harrisons Western Pacific Railroad here to Sacramento, Ca.

Rooster on his way again.


Rooster made it to Sacramento, Ca. and here is the video of his trip that was a few weeks ago and sorry just getting them up.

Very nice railroad and production. Thanks for sharing.

Have you ever seen the Lizer’s rendition of the Feather River Canyon and Keddie Wye in Riverside, CA? Also very nice.

Here is Rooster visiting Joel Harrisons WP R.R.


Here Rooster Part 5 coming back to our R.R. and getting a first class trip out of town to next R.R. down to San Diego, Ca.


This ends all of the videos of Rooster here in Northern Ca on the WP and SF&BCRR.
Tks for watching. Noel & Jane

Noel Wilson said:

Tk’s to Lou and Susan for putting this toy Rooster up on to have fun with.
Great to show off ones R.R.
Very neat idea.


I remember those carts. They are really something, articulated and all. :slight_smile:

Tk’s Joe. Sorry this took so long to get these videos up. Just has not been a good month or so around here… But now she is getting better. Just takes time.