Large Scale Central

Romanian loggers at work

This is a hoot of a video showcasing Romanian loggers at work using disconnects in 2006. Observe the re-railing frog at work. I always wondered how you used those things. Also, catch the interesting way the beat up dismal is refueled. This whole movie reeks “logging RR” and a total disregard for safety at work. Enjoy. Doc Tom


That was fun. Thanks!


Good stuff! :wink:

They say refueling the diesel, but aren’t the fuel tanks usually down low, under the frame? Could they have been topping off the radiator instead?

Talk about a “backwoods” Shoestring" operation.

spent more time rerailing than moving logs

there was some white froth in the bucket, sure does not look like fuel.

There was a moment a couple minutes in when they’re reversing to couple the link and pins, and the guy grabs the link while the train was in motion. I was expecting broken fingers.


that was cool

Great video. Got to experience that on the Cumbres and Toltec, once. Interesting to witness, but they made us stay in the coach, so viewing was limited.

Ric Golding said:

, but they made us stay in the coach, so viewing was limited.

Well…NOT in Romania. Everybody is out there helping and commenting and blowing their crazy whistles. I would love to see some of these Eastern Bloc countries some time. They are “some wild and crazy guys.”


there are some interesting videos of those guys


and a long one get comfortable!


oops sorry about that…I fixed it…took a while as I had to watch it again!

Both videos are the same. :frowning:

I did fix the link…sorry about the boo boo!

here is one more:


David Maynard said:

They say refueling the diesel, but aren’t the fuel tanks usually down low, under the frame? Could they have been topping off the radiator instead?

Talk about a “backwoods” Shoestring" operation.

When the fuel pump quit in Baja, a milk jug and surgical tubing from the surfboard leash allowed a jury rigged gravity feed fuel system to get us home… I suspect a similar cure…

Good video

I need to get a whistle.

Wow! the second video Eric posted with the snow is awesome. 45 minutes of the engine working it’s butt off up through one of the most beautiful snowy river valleys I’ve seen. Thanks Eric, and thanks Tom for starting the thread.

That definitely looked like diesel in the bucket to me. I have a similar process for filling my 1953 Allis HD5 Track loader. There was a definite sheen on the out side of the bucket from it.

Eric Schade said:

I did fix the link…sorry about the boo boo!

here is one more:


This a beautiful flick of a logging rail road in modern times using steam in the snow. Reminds me of your steam logging videos in Large Scale Eric. Thanks for posting it. Good Job!! Lets all go to Romania and catch loggers in steam.

Doc Tom

Steam locos in the snow. Nuthin’ better. They’re playing my song.