Hey Y’all;
Rock Island passenger train book arrived in mail today. I sort-of model some Rock Island in HO, and a bit of “what-if” in On30.
Had been meaning to get around to getting this for several years and finally decided might ought to while it is available.
I’m going to say it is informative and useful.
Not sure what modeling projects will come from it.
But, 80-something year old fellow in model train club gave me an A-B-B-A set of F-something locomotives of recent production by Mantua in the full passenger paint.
So, I totally blew my October budget getting this book and a couple 1/2 price HO scale Walthers Mainline passenger cars to re-decorate for RI.
Would be fun to have both the health and income to do up a G scale train with mixed head end freight and piggyback cars and a dozen or so mixed heavyweight and lightweight passenger cars.