While I was building another battery car for my railroad, it occurred to me that it would be a simple matter to also install a revolution receiver as well as a battery thus letting me run my Aristo locos that don’t yet have a receiver installed. ( they are expensive and I’m poor)
Use the non DCC ready adapter to make the connections. There are only four wires to connect - two for the battery and two for the output to the loco. the other output wires are for the directional lights and are not needed as all the locos already do this depending on the polarity of the supply voltage.
I just set the loco switch from track power to battery operation and be sure there is no track power connected to the rails.,now my friends can run their non DCC Aristo locos on my track.
This might also be a way to economically run DCC to try it without breaking the bank. Also no more loco disassembling to install a receiver and that is very helpful to those of us that seem to lose a few screws every time we take something apart.
Non Aristo eg. Bachmann and USAT locos would require installing a jumper wire to get battery power to the loco that plugs in to the Aristo type plugs on the batt/recvr car. I got the plugs from All Electronics CAT# con-240 locking 2 conductor connector. A DPDT switch to select battery power or track power is also needed. You have to disassemble the loco to do this, A wiring diagram for the loco as also very helpful, and is available online from the manufacturers website.
Bill Ewing