This review of May 2 -3 Railroad Days in Fullerton Ca, is fortunately very positive - for us it shows a strong interest in both the real thing and the model hobby. Best guess at this point is 30,000 attendance over the two days. The city officials in Fullerton are VERY pleased.
We had 15 modular layouts in operation, 40 commercial and non-profit booths, along with Disney’s steamer, the giant SF 4-8-4 steamer, a two-week old GE CS 4,400 hp diesel, three cabooses, and AmTrk’s mobil display. I stationed myself up in the cab of the new diesel and said “hello” to Saturday’s 1,800 cab visitors who patiently waited to photograph their kids sitting in the “drivers” seat and ask questions.
What works: 1) NO fee to attend - lot’s of families that likely would not have taken the curiosity risk to attend with their kids if a entrance fee. 2) Plenty of food booths in one section with continuous immaculate clean-up 3) 25 new portable toilets near food area 4) EZ visibility signage to the various displays placed above crowd height 4) Endless volunteers to answer questions 5) Gigantic 1/4 mile tent to house the modular train displays and exhibits in separate covered areas.