The latest case of Hill Foot in Mouth Disease is from Pete Sessions, (R-TX), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Sessions said House Republicans will pitch a “positive, loyal opposition”, to the proposal. The group, he added, should also “understand insurgency” in implementing efforts to offer alternatives. “Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban”, “And that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person’s entire processes. And these Taliban – I’m not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that’s not what we’re saying. I’m saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with.”
Nice to see the GOP has a good ole American role model to get their party back on track!
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