Saturday started early with the traditional bbreakfast at “Chances R” and then by 0900 we were at the IPP&WRR for the briefing as the ops session began. I was once again given the job of Yardmaster at Craig Leigh, which is at one end of the railroad. About 10 trains were either made up and left or arrived and broke down. I did stick my nose around the corner of the shed every once in awhile and there really was a tremendous amount of activity. Jan ran her Presidential inspection train of #3 and returned as #4. She really enjoyed high clearance working across the line. John and Roger ran ops with live steam and really kept things rolling while keeping pressure up. All and all a successful session.
Ops were done around noon and a lunch of wonderful sausages, other grilled meat and items were consumed. We ran some live steam and headed for David McCurdy’s RGS at 2 pm. I can’t beleive it, but he has added more. Back to Bred’s by 5 pm. Did a trip[le head under live steam with 2 cyclinder shays pulling 36 cars. They worked hard on the grades but carried the load.
Dinner was the Chinese Buffett, which is always a great meal and then back to Fred’s for night time running and some deliciouos wine and friendship around the fire.
Mr. Goodson called and had a conversation with Fred, while I was running Jan’s little Bachmann Mogul that he worked so hard to get done before this trip. RCS controlled, battery powered and Sierra Sound. Pulling the single coach it did its job well. Jan seemed to really enjoy it. The headlight really pierced the night as it was the only thing on the line.
By 10pm things were beginning to break up as Bruce and Jean Chandler said goodbyes, the Radders, Jon, Marilyn and Matt headed out and Ga’etan and Nicole left shortly after. That left, Fred, Ken Brunts, ourselves and the neighbors around the fire. It was a long great day and I can’t believe it is over for another year.
Today, should be lazy with a visit to Bill Scoobie’s Sn3 RGS monster and then who knows what.
Tommorrow, we are off to Montreal for a visit to Ga’etan’s and Nicole’s