Large Scale Central

Relief 2016

What does nearly every layout need?

The Dirty and Dusty has two busy bars. One of them is Mik’s Place.

After hearing a lot of complaints the Dirty and Dusty is getting a two holes. One was just not enough!

My buildings aren’t fancy but they are a lot of fun to build.

What is my budget? For the past fours years my total expenditure for the Challenge has been $0 and I am sticking with it!

I plan to make a trip to the post office the next couple days and see if Dave’s parts have arrived. Between his parts and my junk boxes, glue and paint I should have whatnI need!

Wanted: Volunteers to dig holes!

Doug…apparently I’m not too swift here…are you talking about building for the challenge a bar as in taverns, drinking holes, pubs, saloons?

edit: wait, you’re talking about an outhouse…yikes.

I figured when he opened with what does every layout need and right then I thought he was making a brothel

You got that one right Devon.

John Passaro said:

You got that one right Devon.

Well, that’s one type of “relief” of course, them lonely cowboys would often come back to camp with a bad case of what one wrangler called “town disease”

Doug looks like we’re both in the temple of relief business this time around, will yours be a side by side, back to back, or 2 story project?

It will be a side by side. When they come out of one of the bars they are on the run. They don’t have time for stairs!

The line is already starting to form. Maybe we do need a 12 holer!

I wonder why this picture is tiny? And the second try is no better! Is the photo program only working on pc? Always worked on Mac before!

So will these two builds be the history telling of the original Port-a-potty’s?

Doug Arnold said:

I wonder why this picture is tiny?

It’s in scale ?

It’s in scale. But I can no longer get photos from my Freight Shed either! There’s no place to select that option!

Devon Sinsley said:

I figured when he opened with what does every layout need and right then I thought he was making a brothel

Devon, have you been peaking at my list of projects again?

Nah, I already have a Red Light house! The outhouses will be between the bars, and the Red Light house. My town is well organized!

Ah, city planning. Just so long as that the city planners put the facilities downwind of the local eatery.

It’s shaping up like my participation in the Challenge will be limited. I can’t use my Freight Shed to post pictures anymore on my Mac. The button for Freight Shed has disappeared! I have tried to post using Post Photo. When I do I go to my Finder and if I get anything it is just a tiny box! Oh well! Best of luck everybody!

Here’s all I get!




Set up a free account, and have them host your photos, It is what I use, and they play very nice with a MAC. And their editor for adjustments and size works well. Simple no brainer…

If not email them to me and I’ll post them for you. You don’t get out that easy.


As others have said, just use Photobucket.

It is so much easier.

I will be giving Photobucket a shot. I may just have to abandon my Freight Shed. I had a lot of stuff stored in there.

If you go the Photobucket route, here’s a suggestion. On the left of the Your Library page, there’s a place to create “Albums”. For everything I shoot I create an album to store the photos in. “Summer Run 2013”, Boston Trip 2015", “Gettysburg” , Invasion 2015" and so on. That way they’re easy to find. Just scroll down through the “Albums” to find the one you want.

Once you uploaded your pix to an album, if you click on a picture in that album, you’ll get a full sized version of it. And on the right is a question “Share This Photo?” Below that are 2 windows, “Email and IM” and “Direct”. Use the direct to grab the URL for that photo. On mine when I run the cursor over it and click on it, it turns yellow and says “Copied”. It may be different with other browsers.