The owner of the group that is mentioned was one of the first start up sites. Before that all we had were listservs and email groups and they were pretty antiquated. This was right after the dinosours fell for the global warming thing. Many, many of us were members. He took it upon himself to make it a full time job. Didn’t really work out how it was first set up, so he offered good deals for our support of him and his business for a number of years. The longer you paid for, the better deal you get. The business got into a fight with the publishers of Model Railroader and boom one morning, the site was down and he was gone. It was Summer time and I’m going to say around 2000. Anyway, we were very incapable of recreating communication with each other because of the newness of the internet and for many of us the oldness of ourselves. Over a couple of weeks, we all made communication on spring up groups like this one, on a private club site and many business sites. That business in quesiton came back as a pay to see site. But he had hurt a lot of feelings. He made a deal with a number of businesses and is now very visible at many of the large scale train shows. Some have buried the hatchet and some have not. Try it if you wish. The biggest thing that was learned was to get on lots of sites, so if one goes down, for whatever reason, you can find a place to figure out what is going on and what you are going to do.
There was mucho nashing of teeth as all this was going on.
It’s a hobby, we are suppose to be having fun. This is a fun site. But we all have to be respectful of Bob and the work he puts in to resolving our problems and desires.