Large Scale Central

Regarding the Modern streetcars (TRAINS July 2014)

In one of the Face Book Groups I follow a young man (not yet 20) scratch built one of these modern streetcars for his garden layout. Did a SUPER job.


Which reminds me, while we quite often moan about “the future” of GRRing, there seem to be much greater numbers of young people (the under thirty crowd) in the GRR groups on Face Book (I only follow the German language ones on a regular basis)

That young man did really good! I love his railroad.

Neat way to articulate the frame and watching the power truck swing… Neat work he did. Don’t speak his language, but wonder if any one talked to him on how he built it?

Noel, I’ll try to find the pictures he posted on Face Book during the building phase. He came up with some nifty and simple solutions to several items.

That is one excellent job of scratch building. Looks highly detailed with allot of thought put into its overall

Stacy Krausmann said:

That is one excellent job of scratch building. Looks highly detailed with allot of thought put into its overall

You have no idea how much thought, talent and patience is in that street car.

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:

Stacy Krausmann said:

That is one excellent job of scratch building. Looks highly detailed with allot of thought put into its overall

You have no idea how much thought, talent and patience is in that street car.

Enlighten me!

Well there’s that FB Group called Gartenbahn Freunde. You apply for a membership and read what people contribute. However FB Groups are not structured like fora i.e. if one looses the thread of a topic one has a bit of work to find it again since everything is in chronological order as one steady flow.


Sure is interesting. There are a gazillion FB Groups out there. Some are growing like weeds — seems to be their only goal, together with getting as many likes as possible. Others are growing much more slowly e.g. the one I started on the RhB. International membership, but no Yahoos need apply.

uh oh… getting testy…

John M. said:
uh oh… getting testy…

Nah, just pointing out some Face Book facts, e.g. the founder/admin of any Group can set the parameters for that group. Which means one gets to vet the “applicants” and since there are certain typical indicators in anyone’s FB account it helps to keep out the people who are peddling loans, bargains from any number of countries, sex remedies of every kind etc. etc. etc. A bit of admin work at the front end means less admin work later on.

i like them smaller people movers, like this one too
