Large Scale Central

Reduction of debris!

The folks who live behind us are having their tree trimmed substantially today. That’s good news for me, because it means there’ll be a lot less leaves and “helicopter” seeds falling on my railroad!

All the neighbors will really hate me after today. My Weeping Birch is now shedding like crazy. The leaves are small and there are a million of them. Oh, and we are now having a wind storm. Maybe I won’t have to clear the yard of leaves again…:smiley:

Turns out, they did more than just trim it. The removed the tree completely. I hope they aren’t going to plant another one closer to our yard.

Ray Dunakin said:
Turns out, they did more than just trim it. The removed the tree completely. I hope they aren't going to plant another one closer to our yard.
Find yourself a beaver ...

You mean debris like this?

Chris Vernell said:
Find yourself a beaver...
Curmudgeon said:
You mean debris like this?
No, thank god! I'm very thankful that I don't have to deal with the leaves, pine needles, acorns and other gunk that you folks in the wooded regions endure. Compared to all that, I really can't complain too much about the stuff that gets into our yard.

They’re putting in a hedge tree.

5-1/2 hours after I took those photos, setout for the ops session began.

We are currently running trains in the pouring rain.

Ray Dunakin said:
Curmudgeon said:
You mean debris like this?
No, thank god! I'm very thankful that I don't have to deal with the leaves, pine needles, acorns and other gunk that you folks in the wooded regions endure. Compared to all that, I really can't complain too much about the stuff that gets into our yard.
Being that close to the Southern border; I'd expect you would have Mexicans storming your yard on a daily basis......I'd rather have some of the :Branch Railroadian Rodents (Beavers, are the mascots of the Branch Railroadian Fellowship of the World, and are part of the entertainment in York PA., every year)

Marmots rule…!!


Or Debris like this…Speaking of HedgeApples.

or this

or this


Most of the people on LSC would have enough common sense, to clear the track before running a train…or at least walk with it to avoid such… mishaps (I realy wanted to say “Stupidity” but, I didn’t want to start a flash fire !!!)

Fr. Fred :wink:

That is an educational illustration for those who are not familiar with … (insert as required)

Most of the people on LSC would have enough common sense, to clear the track before running a train…or at least walk with it to avoid such… mishaps (I realy wanted to say “Stupidity” but, I didn’t want to start a flash fire !!!)


The hedgeapples fell hitting the loco while operating. The train did not run in to static obstacles.

If you notice, there is a plow blade on the front of the loco in the bottom picture. The fun of this pic was plowing leaves [quite effectively, by the way] since it hadn’t snowed yet.
Thanks for the kind words. I’m glad you didn’t want to start a flash fire.!!!

…ok…sorry…that makes sense…!!!

Hans-Joerg Mueller said:
Fr. Fred ;)

That is an educational illustration for those who are not familiar with … (insert as required)


Curmudgeon said:
5-1/2 hours after I took those photos, setout for the ops session began.

We are currently running trains in the pouring rain.

A bunch of geezers playing trains in the pouring rain?!? Sounds like good news for my missus’s biz. She’s an ICU nurse. Pneumonia for everyone! What a bunch of maroons!


Everyone connected with this hobby, should have their sanity checked; imagine; a bunch of grown men playing with toy trains.

Some even spend loads of money for toys that boil water; then run them continuously in circles, without even making tea.

Others travel all over the world buying these toys, only to put them on shelves to look at, while filling their gizards with alcohol concoctions.

We even see a few killing themselves by sucking smoke into their systems, and then blowing it out.

Where does this list end ? We are all crazy in onw way or another. All in the name of fun.

The sad thing is that I'll even admit to being part of it, along with everyone on this forum.


“The sad thing is that I’ll even admit to being part of it, along with everyone on this forum.” - Fr.Fred

I was thinking to being certified as crazy by our court system, but alas they refused. So since they wouldn’t certify me crazy, then there is still a chance that I am not crazy. The jury is still out on that. I felt kind of proud that I could claim that I was still uncertified as crazy by any court system. I thought this would be something worthwhile to put on a resume. Others felt it would be a detrimental statement. Is this a crazy system or what?