I went back over the entire thread and at no point did any one insult you. Many took you to task and challenged your stated viewpoints. You raised the points and yet feign that you have been insulted in response to their challenges. One person claimed an insult as to his credibility and one person claimed insult to criticism of his religious belief. Many times you personally insulted those who challenged your viewpoints. Look over the thread and tell me where at any point you received personal criticism that made you feel an association with the disgust that someone’s mother had been called a whore. If anything, we should take offence to your many comments and innuendo.
Following is a compilation of your negative responses (other than challenging anothers response as to your statements). As you have challenged others on their beliefs, so you have been challenged. We were not insulted with your challenges, but your comments, as below, were not entirely christian. I have highlighted the date that the comment was made, to make it easier to authenticate.
***February 6th - "Not to be insulting, but why are so many of the man-is-a-plague-upon-the-Earth crowd all from outside the USA? Is it jealousy? Hatred of US lifestyle?
Since the US is a large consumer by virtue of our free-market republican society, we seem to be the bully to the world. Fine we’ll keep our technology and foreign aid, and ya’ll can deal with your own tsunamis, earthquakes and terrorists.
I am a bit tired of being blamed for all the world’s ills."
***February 6th “I can only assume you guys are just “jerking my chain”. I honestly can not imagine anyone with the ability to read and with the intelligence above a gnat would believe the man-made global warming thing, or that the globe is overpopulated or that the counter intelligence services of a half dozen countries all conspired the story about Iraq’s development of WMD’s and Saddam’s genocide.”
You do not mind insulting one’s beliefs here -
***February 6th “On and on a side note, I didn’t say anything about the absurdity of the theory of evolution, but I guess I did now.”
***February 10th “At the risk of feeding into your sarcastic closed-mindedness, I will repeat a theory I wrote earlier on the long lifespans as recorded in Genesis.”
Here you are entirely hypocritical as it is you, yourself who gets nasty when challenged -
***February 12th "Here here Ralph. Some folks, when having their beliefs challenged, get nasty.
Ps.1 The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works,
there is none that doeth good.
Pro:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly,lest thou also be like unto him.
Pro:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit."
***February 14th " (Maybe we have pigs as ancestors, which would explain a lot.)"
You are entirely hypocritical in this point as the entire thread is you insulting others’ beliefs -
***February 14th “You may have faith in Darwin if you choose. I may point of the fallacy of such belief, but I would never personally insult you in the way you choose to insult millions of Christians, smoe of whom are our greatest scientists, Patriots and inventors.”
Exactly what insults did you receive other than challenges to points that you raised yourself ?-
February 18th “Some of the questions I thought were sincere and not just an attempt to insult or discredit my faith. Others sounded … Let me put it this way, if I called your loving mother a whore, without having even met her, you would most likely be justifiably angered and upset by my remarks.”
As stated earlier, where can you find a personal insult directed towards you? You challenged others beliefs and considered it christian to insult them in reply and yet, when you are challenged you show your true character.