While others have been posting great looking Spring layout and garden photos, I’ve been in a funk about mine. For starters, we have had such a cold and rainy spring that what little good weather we have had was taken by other tasks. The railroad is still in winter slumber and a mess. Adding to my depression, I lost all but one of my Dwarf Alberta Spruce trees. I don’t know if it was the odd winter; local cats or a disgruntled neighbor spraying them. I’ve never had healthy trees die off like this so I am at a loss as to why. Some of them date back to the early stages of my gardens - possibly 15 years ago. I didn’t notice any slow deterioration - just one day noticed them all dead…
Notice in the above photo; the neighbor has re-graded her yard and now parks her truck in the lawn right at the lot line. Trees in the front yard died as well…
I finally got some Mojo back this past weekend,. The weather was great and we went nursery hopping. I found a number of nice plants to try and fill the holes with. I finally got time to start planting this evening.
For this group I added a few more rocks to create a bed behind the track. Two dwarf Arborvitae trees (found at Lowes for $6 each) flank a plant I have forgotten the name of The Sedum in the foreground was already there…
I created another bed in front of the track to accommodate another full sun plant…
At this point the sun was going down so I quit for the day. Glad to finally be back into it.