Dear All
Please find below he link to the film of the first production model of the Gauge 1 Model Company Rebuilt Merchant Navy.
The loco look great and performs superbly.
Hope you all enjoy it.
Dear All
Please find below he link to the film of the first production model of the Gauge 1 Model Company Rebuilt Merchant Navy.
The loco look great and performs superbly.
Hope you all enjoy it.
Must be me not understanding , cause all this time I thought live steamers liked and tried to have steam exit the smoke stack to produce realistic looking plumes and here this one has a special blast pipe to relocate the steam exit away from the smoke stack
Very impressive!(
That is a well done video and the loco is a charmer.
I like how they said “designed in Britain and built in the far east” that is a nice way to say China?
Dave, it’s steaming out of the safety valves, showing how effective the boiler is at producing enough steam to haul those cars around and still have it to spare. The reason that the plume is not coming out of the stack is because of the weather conditions and the temperature difference between the front and back-end of the boiler.
My Hudson does the same thing from all its safeties with 21 mixed-brand passenger cars behind it.
@Stuart - I was labouring under the impression that this loco had been shown around this time last year. I certainly recall all the ruffled fur at the time when TWO different makers showed their RMN at the same show. Have I missed something meanwhile?
Ottawa Valley GRS
PS - I’d like one in experimental BR blue - ‘Canadian Pacific Lines’. Thanks.
Thanks tac that saved me an explanation.
The loco is indeed built in China by accucraft. However it is indeed engineered in Britain to be specific in tonbridge Kent. The text in the video is a small in joke. Your right about the Hudson Tac had 18 behind it at a show last weekend with no hint of any effort from the loco.
Sorry tac just saw your ps.
Te loco we had last year was the prototype. This is the first production model which has been thouroighly tested so owners should experience no problems with them!
Beautiful! It’s my all-time favourite British post-war steam locomotive.
tac, ig, ken the GFT & The Merchant Navy Boys
Impressive. What a goer with that heavy, long set of passengers behind it.
Thanks Andrew
In truth the prototype hauled 31 carriages when on test so the 8 seem here is a pretty light load.
Who are the kisses for, H-J?
Ottawa Valley GRS
tac Foley said:
Who are the kisses for, H-J?
Ottawa Valley GRS
Actually they are hugs; I had to hug myself after I goofed and posted in the wrong thread. So you could say they are “feel better” hugs. ( little bit helps. (
Aaaaaaw, bless. (
Ottawa Valley GRS
Andrew Moore said:
Impressive. What a goer with that heavy, long set of passengers behind it.
Average boat-train load for a RMN - London to Southampton, was around fourteen coaches - filled with toffs off on a Cunard cruise, no doubt. You can see a lot of movies on YT of the surviving RMN locos - usually going like the almighty clappers with a good long train, that off-sounding three-cylinder beat very clear. I’ll let YOU look, as I’m cleaning up a couple of revolvers right now after running the muzzleloading/percussion shoot this morning.
Ottawa Valley GRS
Well the merchant navy has been delivered and its a great performer and looks excellent! More footage can be seen on the gauge 1 model company YouTube channel or in the links from
Ottawa Valley GRS
Yeah, what tac said…
What is the purpose of the white feather on the pony truck? Has it some kind of religious significance that has somehow escaped my limited knowledge of such practices in the far South-East?
Ottawa Valley GRS
tac Foley said:
What is the purpose of the white feather on the pony truck? Has it some kind of religious significance that has somehow escaped my limited knowledge of such practices in the far South-East?
Ottawa Valley GRS
Track cleaner…(