Large Scale Central

Ray Dunikan

So was thinking about my LSC family and I dont recall seeing much lately from Ray. You still here Ray? Another is John Passaro spelling) I owe him a cribbage board and a game to play on it.

I saw John a few years ago in Denver, but the last time I tried to get together we couldn’t connect. If you have contact info for Kevin Strong, they are close and Kevin would know what’s up.

PM Sent (abcdefghi) 20 character

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Thanks Rooster for the email address.

John responded and he is still kicking. He had some medical issues back in June but he is doing well now. He moved and is in the process of building a new RR.

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Ray posted as recently as December on the “strange locomotive” thread, so he’s around, send him a PM see what happens

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Hope you told him I said hello and he want’s his cribbage board !!

We didn’t discuss the cribbage board, honestly I forgot about that, but I did remember to tell him hello for you.

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Ask him to check in, would love to see if he’s done anything with the layout.

Hi Devon. I check in here once in a while, mostly just lurk or give a thumbs up to something. As of January 9th it’s been a year since I lost Cris, and still haven’t felt any enthusiasm for working on the layout.

Only recently have I done some work on a related project. Last summer a neighbor gave me a 24"x24"x42" storage cabinet. I wanted to weatherproof it so I could use it to store RR stuff on the patio. Once we started getting some damp weather I couldn’t continue to leave it outside unmodified, so I finally hauled it indoors and got to work on it. I’'very much laminated the entire exterior with 3mm Sintra PVC board, and sealed the corners with PVC corner mouldings. I couldn’t use the original doors because they left gaps that couldn’t be sealed. So I made new doors from plywood, laminated the outside of them, added hinges, and got them installed.

Next I have to take it outside to paint it. I also need to trim about an inch off of the interior shelves. I’m hoping I can find someone with a table saw who could do that for me – it would be easier and neater than doing it with hand tools.

Over the summer I made four two-week trips to Nevada. Did a lot of exploring, photography, etc. I’m currently working on getting the photos organized and put onto my website. I also need to take all the video footage I shot and make up some videos to post on YouTube.

I’ll get back into the railroad eventually. I have a ton of new, improved cacti and other desert plants that I’d been working on prior to Cris’ death. I want to see them on the layout.


Great to hear from you Ray, looking forward to your next railroad Adventures and your desert travel logs.

Glad you’re back Ray.

As an avid Lurker, I was a bit worried when I was checking out your home site for inspiration and got…

try this:

So good to hear from you Ray. Can’t wait to see what your up to.

When was that? It seems to be fine now.

Hi Ray.
It’s the modellers resource page 404.

Oh, thanks! I’ll have to find out what’s wrong with it.