Warren, I’m secretly hoping for something more like Edwards-Obama in 2008, we’ll see.
While my wife really likes Aunt Hillary, I just can’t see her winning as she’s just too devisive to run and win. Too much anger out there, really for what still evades me other than being married to Uncle Bill?
Lets see…she didnt start a failed war thats becoming a civil war, didnt run up a gigantic national debt doing so, didnt give away billions in ‘no bid’ contracts to the VPs former flunkies with no government oversight, didnt give a giant tax cut to the wealthiest 1/2 of 1% of the population while tossing a dry bone to the masses, didnt stand by while Enron robbed my state, didnt create the most privatley intrusive government is US history, didnt screw the pooch after Hurricane Katrina, and didnt let Osama get away safely into Pakistan when we had him cornered in Tora Bora because of a bad case of Saddamophobia.
Yet she’s hated?..When you stack up the records…I just dont get it. I really dont.
Oh Well… we’ll have to see who the Repub’s will run, Personally I like John McCain, and could easily live with him as Prez, but he’s not foaming-at-the-mouth-psycho-religious-right-wing-gun-fu**ing-nutcase enough for a certain constituency in that party. They really need to stop pandering to that minority and eject that wing of their party before they alienate the other 85 % of the elephants, IMHO.
PS I started long ago as a Repub, but I got sick-and-tired with the screaming hypocrasy and emphisis on non-issues that just divided up people that seams to imbed itself with that party. I came to beleive their motto should be “Do as we say, not as we do”, “Our way or the Highway” or “Whats wrong for you to do, is OK for us” Like Newt decrying the lack of ‘family values’ only to be revealed that he divorced his cancer stricken wife so he could marry a younger former aid, hypocrite.
Its that whole “Four legs good, two legs better” thing. Orwell was right on there.
Granted the Dems have their own problems but when ones comparing the lesser of two evils…lets see, King Kong, or Godzilla.
And I’ll never vote Green.
Green means G-uarentee R-epublicans E-lected E-very N-ovember
Ranted enough…