The Kalamazoo 4-4-0 rebuild is getting more complex every day. (The connectors recommended in another post are working great, by the way!)
I have decided to keep the low cost theme going so I am installing A RAM 53 Steam Engine sound system. It runs on a 9V battery and only chuffs, no bells or whistles (chuckle).
It does have a very loud sound ouput through an included (but not shown above) 4" speaker - 4 ohm, 1/2 watt. I enjoy the noise when running alone, however, it is a conversation stopper when friends are over. I would like to be able to have a quiet option other than the RAM recommended ‘tape over the speaker’ fix. I remember a discussion about resistors (in the speaker wire?) but have misplaced the details. What rating should they be? Does it matter which speaker wire? Or is there a better answer?
Thanks for your help,