Large Scale Central

Raised Track Build Option

Over on the Italian forum I belong to, someone is building a raised layout using clay building tiles. These tiles are different than the ones I’m used to seeing that were used for most interior partitions in commercial buildings at one time. They certainly will have a life span much longer than wood. Then again, the Italians know how to build things that last for quite a long time. Here is a link to the forum page. Oh, it’s all in Italian but using Google Translate you can get the gist of what they are saying, but there are enough photos and you know what they say about pictures…

Maybe, but I don’t have a username and password…

It wasn’t too difficult to join…I know enough Italian, but google translate does the rest, for instance:

Il tuo account è stato creato. Questo forum richiede l’attivazione dell’account da parte dell’amministratore. Ti verrà inviata un e-mail dall’amministratore e sarai informato sullo stato di attivazione del tuo account


Your account has been created. This forum requires account activation by the administrator. You will be sent an e-mail administrator and you will be informed about the status of activation of your account

We’ll see what I get back. I registered English as my language.

Sorry Dave. I thought I had posted a direct link to the topic. I just checked it and it goes to a log in page. Let’s see if this works.

No it doesn’t. I don’t know how to do it then. It really isn’t too difficult to join. They have alot of interesting topics and photos over there. They seem to take our hobby rather seriously.

It’s a waste of time without registering. (

So what are you waiting for Joe. Go register…(