So I’m in the planning/early stages of building my layout #2 finally after all these years of no layout. My initial surveys of the yard show that I’m going to need about a 50’ run that has a a good 2 or 4% grade. The rest of the layout is planned to have no grades. I’m building my layout aka Port Orford style, so it will be about 3’ high.
Clearly the track will have the 2 or 4% grade, but the benchwork? Keep the bench work level, and stair step it down, or make the bench work at the same grade as the track? I’m thinking if I stair step the bench work it will make the grade more visible, where as if I build the bench work at the same grade as the track, it will visually trick the mind into thinking the grade is less or none existant.
Thoughts? I will try to post some photos of the area later today.