Large Scale Central

Railroad Days - Fullerton, Calif. May 5-6th

For Southern California enthusiasts, Fullerton’s train station (Harbor Blvd.-south of Chapman) will host an anticipated attendance of 30,000 train buffs over two days, the 5th and 6th of May. Displays of RR rolling stock, passenger cars, diesels, and two cabooses. There is no charge and walk-throughs of rolling stock are featured. RR related booths are in the parking lot plus model trains. Starts at 9:00 AM both days. Look for me at one of the caboose steps helping guests up 'n down. Check the Fullerton RR Days website for more data.


Dang it I’m gonna miss it, I was hoping to sneak a daytrip there this year.

Further data came today at the show preparation:
A brand new “giant” road engine will be on display and available for public “walk-throughs.” No more data was available as to what the “giant” means and how much can the public actually climb into and on.
Amtrack has brought their locos and rolling stock. Disney is providing some passenger cars. There’s a parking lot of displays along with the trains on the sidings.
Report later.
I’m helping crowd conrol with the cabooses – say hello.

NEVERMIND found the update :smiley: