Large Scale Central

Rail bus to paint and letter

A two-car rail bus that needs a custom paint job for the Sprite City Transit Authority. It's a Hartland Locomotive Works Doozie, and a Bachmann Big Hauler combine. It'll be the street car for the "city" line of the layout. 

Here’s where the rail bus is at the moment. Probably won’t get any more done until next week.

Copper tops on lamp vents are a nice touch.

Dragon bus is almost done. Still a few parts drying. Smoke unit is installed. Still have to reinstall the decoder, wire everything in, and pipe the smoke unit to the dragon’s head. I also have to seal the head so the smoke comes out the mouth and nostrils. Oh, I also have to build and install a couple of switches to control smoker and the fan.

Daniel Collins said:

Still have to …

I also have to …

Oh, I also have to …

There’s always something! ( good.

Almost ready to wire things back in. Smoke unit is plumbed. I have to put in a switch and fuse for the fan and smoker. I used screen for the windows, instead of plastic, so the smoke unit would have plenty of air. The dragon head is sealed. I have not put hand rails back on yet, as I forgot them until I looked in the parts box and went “Oh, heck!”