Jon Radder said:
You must have bought a Mode 1 transmitter. Usually (Mode 2) the letft stick is the one that does not auto-center. I wonder if anyone has been successfull with gas on a servo. It’s such a fine adjustment on mine I think it would be very hard to do on RC. You run trottle wide open (OK, about 1/3 turn on a full servo through)? That seems like a lot. I barely crack my manual throttle and the Johnson Bar ends up going full travel to get up the hill. Maybe I need to try running with it open more.
I’ve never seen anyone bother to put the gas valve on a servo, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t. Those Spektrums have 5 or 6 ch after all…
I fine tune the speed with the throttle - 1/3 to 1/2 is easy to achieve and is all you need on an Accucraft. (Though I did find a 180 deg servo for $3.50 from those HK guys - it is sitting on my bench. Seems to give more than 90 deg, though not 180.) With the 1/8" chain drive, I use a 16 tooth on the throttle and a 20 tooth on the servo, so I am getting 25% more throttle movement.
Accucraft says not to try using the Johnson Bar in other than full on/off mode, though I know you can do some control with it. I leave it full on and adjust the throttle on hills.