I have just acquired a second, new stock LGB Genesis as primarily a spare, in the event the first one purchased should ever fail. I fitted LGB ‘generic’ American diesel sound to the first loco purchased, complete with reed switch operated horn and bell. I have two questions -
was the Genesis ever mu-ed and if so was it tail to nose or tail to tail?
due the spare loco not expected to receive much use, I do not wish to fit a complete sound unit to it as firstly, local price on LGB #65003 is over $400.00 and secondly, I do not want to duplicate the horn and whistle over every magnet in the track. Therefore, is it possible to piggyback a second speaker off the LGB #65003 sound unit? My particular sound unit suffered a ‘frozen’ speaker after laying dormant for a few months, so I wired in a remote 1 watt 8 ohm speaker to it.
If possible to piggyback a secondary speaker, located in the trailing locomotive, should I fit it in parallel, or in series with the speaker in the leading locomotive? The duplicate speaker is the same specs as the speaker already fitted to the leading loco.