Large Scale Central

Question LGB of America/G45

Pod said:
Continue to kvetch wail moan and keep repeating the same tired cliche's.
Business as usual. :(

For the continued saga-curious readers:

Mr. Buffington “sells” his shares of LGB of America? Yipes!
Is there still an unsettled legal definition as to what Marklin ACTUALLY OWNS per LGB of America? IF Marklin owns LGB of America because LGB of Germany owned it and Marklin bought LGB of Germany, then how could Mr. Buffington have bought shares from a non-existent separate company?


Of course, fantasy thinking says LGB of Germany DOES own LGB of America and Marklin is simply giving them time to sell everything LGBofA has warehoused because that is their forte. Besides, they are motivated with bills to pay. Then, when Marklin is ready for full distribution of their own newly produced products, they call in their due-bill – either in remaining merchandise or cash. Of course! They know what was shipped to LGB of AMerica just prior to the financial collapse. The records show it (or do they ???) and the inventory in the LGB of America warehouse(s?) can then be inventoried, and…?

Who knows? Are there records accounting for shipments to the USA from LGB of Germany?

Maybe Mr. Buffington.

Somebody, somewhere, has a legal document showing legal possession and ownership.
Now, ownership of what is the remaining question.

Meanwhile, my guess is there will be another ad in Garden Railways from LGB of America with the logo and products to sell. Yes! With the logo, trademark, colors, the whole package! Yes, and readers will continue to speculate on the time it takes to create an ad and have it printed. Gulp. The last two clearly stated ownership ads have been operational for two issues and three months since Marklin’s “buy-out.”

Maybe LGB of A. REALLY DOES own the trademark. Maybe they didn’t try to buy back from themselves from what they already owned! Yet, their offers to purchase were reported. IF they OWN the trademark, Marklin is NOW at their disposal. Where is the LGB of America injunction telling Marklin to shove it and no more use of THEIR LGB trademark?

Of course, this is still a conspiracy of confusion.

Hmmmmmmm. Marklin, where are you now! Not where are you tomorrow?

Keep digg’n.



Wendell Hanks said:
The last two clearly stated ownership ads have been operational for two issues and three months since Marklin's "buy-out."Wendell

Sorry, but your statement isn’t even close to reality. The successful Marklin takeover bid was accepted on July 26, and Marklin actually took over on August 1. That is exactly 45 days ago, not 3 months. There has been one issue of GR delivered since the Marklin takeover. The advertising copy deadlines for that issue were certainly prior to the takeover decision.

I’m not certain what those deadlines are, but assuming there is a change coming, it could easily be that there will be another issue before anything in print is changed.

Perhaps some of the our fellow members who are GR advertisers know what the advertising deadline is. TOC? Tony Walsham? Others?

Happy RRing,

Jerry Bowers

Jerry and all:
Jerry is correct. The transfer of actual OWNERSHIP was after – not during the bidding and contractual discussion. However…

The accurate statements:

1 - LGB of America knows if they bid on what they already owned. Otherwise, why the bidding?
2 - Anyone with head-waiter intelligence knows that LGB of America had an idea of what they WERE bidding on – which included the patent rights or it didn’t. That’s very simple.
3 - IF they don’t own the LGB trademark, they are playing with fire as they are acting as though the do. IF they Do NOT OWN the patent rights, they knew this BEFORE they bid. Make sense?
4 - IF they DO own the trademark, they are in their rights with the ads – however, where’s the statement from them that they do own those rights – or is the ad THE statement?

The above is the quick version of my analysis.

Fine, the ownership statement came out AFTER — Jerry’s right. My error for not making clear a non-starter in the analysis.

LGB of America knew BEFORE they bid IF they owned the patent rights.
So, what are they up to?

What counts is the above analysis in my observation.

Someone is faking out someone else or waiting to collect BIG bucks.


I have to wonder how much or if any, of this is connected to the recent spike of LGB offerings on Ebay? Sure seems like theres been a whole lot of stuff being dumped on the market lately? Any thoughts if this might be related to cashing out before it can be collected ??? Just pondering…

Wendell, :slight_smile: :wink: :slight_smile:

We can go around and around with this one.

Let’s surmise for a moment that someone is trying to sell “Object A” (a corporation).

If one offers “Object A” for sale any prudent buyer will ask the following

  1. How long have you owned “Object A”?

  2. Who did you buy it from?

  3. What was the purchase price?

  4. Do you have a bill of sale?

  5. Who are the current owners/sellers?

The rest would all fall into place. :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:

Victor Smith said:
I have to wonder how much or if any, of this is connected to the recent spike of LGB offerings on Ebay? Sure seems like theres been a whole lot of stuff being dumped on the market lately? Any thoughts if this might be related to cashing out before it can be collected ??? Just pondering....
Vic, Vic ........ you are such a cynical So and So. :lol: :lol: :lol:

You should have seen the bonanza of “stuff” on German eBay! Raised more than one eyebrow!

Yes, HJ-
Good questions in the best order.

So much is based on waiting for the declaration from Marklin. What they will say and not say, who knows.
My best guess is the one I make letting LGBoA sell their stored" products and then the legal matter of what is owed. Of course, there may be a legal intepretation of accomplice behavior if this guess is accurate.



My questions!! Why do North American dealers hear nothing from Marklin?? Why do German dealers hear from Marklin?? Why do German dealers get product & North American dealers get nothing?? Looks awful funny to me!!

There is a definite reason.
Those who ask questions of the proper people know.
Until they are ready to tell you why, we’ll let the grown-ups who are in change keep working on the issue.
When they are ready to say something, trust me, they will.

Ya know, this makes the donnybrook between Lionel and MTH seem like High Tea at the Empress in Victoria, BC. :smiley:

Bullet Bob –

Have you any repeatable comments from Marklin that have been said to German LS dealers you would share with us groundlings?




Have you checked some of the other forums for info??


The “other” site I use is MLS – I did see, in the Forum section, the offering from KRS re: The Marklin Museum’s gala. I am curious as to what a former LGB German dealership has actually been told as to production plans for Western products – same question for U.S. LGB dealers. Some post contributors speculated that Marklin would NOT be offering Western loco/car production for some time.

Any other site you have experienced that may have specifics at this time?



Wendell Hanks said:

The “other” site I use is MLS – I did see, in the Forum section, the offering from KRS re: The Marklin Museum’s gala. I am curious as to what a former LGB German dealership has actually been told as to production plans for Western products – same question for U.S. LGB dealers. Some post contributors speculated that Marklin would NOT be offering Western loco/car production for some time.

Any other site you have experienced that may have specifics at this time?




Could you clarify “Western”!

There has been a list of item availability at least from one German dealer, there have been comments from the SA (South Africa not South Australia) importer regarding him signing a contract.
But not much else, other than it’s full steam ahead for Märklin with their plans.
Still not a word from G45 or LGBoA!

There are all kinds of background noises from different sources, none of it confirmed, none of it verifiable. Sooo mumms the word!

BTW did you call Buffington to find out who owns G45?

Here’s the list of what will be available when from this dealer in Germany. Doesn’t mean anything here in NA!

Uffinger GBF said:
Voraussichtlicher Liefertermin für LGB Neuheiten Datum Abteilwagen 3. Klasse 26.10.2007 AGIP®-Kesselwagen 26.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Café-Wagen, 43014, City of San Diego 01.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Café-Wagen, Phase V, 20035 01.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Personenwagen Wagen, 21004 01.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Personenwagen Wagen, 21089 01.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Personenwagen Wagen, 21161 01.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Personenwagen Wagen, 21285 01.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Personenwagen, Phase V, 21135 01.10.2007 Amtrak Amfleet Personenwagen, Phase V, 21169 01.10.2007 Autotransportwagen mit Minis 28.09.2007 AVIA®-Kesselwagen, 4-achsig 01.10.2007 Bahnhof-Gleis-Set 28.03.2008 BN 50’ Steel Boxcar 03.11.2007 BP®-OLEX-Kesselwagen 30.10.2007 C&O Dampflok 0-4-0, Sound 01.10.2007 CP 50' Steel Boxcar 03.11.2007 CSX-Kesselwagen 01.11.2007 D&RGW Center Flow Hopper 03.11.2007 Dampf- und Reinigungsflüssigkeit 28.09.2007 DB Cargo Digitaler Selbstentladewagen 6734062-2 30.10.2007 DB Diesellok V 200 033 25.04.2008 DB Hochbordwagen 30.10.2007 DB Personenwagen Aimz, IC 30.10.2007 DB-Diesellok V52 901 01.04.2008 DB-Personenwagen, KB 970-407 30.10.2007 Diamond Shamrock-Tankwagen 26.10.2007 DR-Güterwagen mit Planenabdeckung 30.10.2007 DR-Klappdeckelwagen 30.10.2007 DR-Rungenwagen SSm 99-04-76 01.10.2007 DR-Schotterwagen 01.10.2007 Drehschemelwagen, 2 Stück mit Baumstamm, Set 2 03.11.2007 El.Dopp-kr-w.vern.,R1,22.5° 26.10.2007 El.Dreiwegweiche vern.,R1,30° 30.10.2007 El.Entkupplgleis vern.,150mm 30.10.2007 El.Weiche vern.,li,R3,22.5° 01.02.2008 El.Weiche vern.,li.,R1,30° 30.10.2007 El.Weiche vern.,re,R3,22.5° 30.10.2007 El.Weiche vern.,re., R1, 30° 30.10.2007 Elektrifizierungs-Set, 230 Volt 01.11.2007 Elektrische Doppelkreuzungsweiche, 22,5 Grad 26.10.2007 Elektrische Dreiwegweiche, R1, 30 Grad 26.10.2007 Elektrische Weiche, links, R3, 22,5 Grad 30.10.2007 Elektrisches Entkupplungsgleis, 150 mm 26.10.2007 EPL-Stellpult 01.11.2007 EPL-Weichenantrieb 10.10.2007 Feldbahn-Hochbordwagen 01.10.2007 Feldbahnpersonenwagen 263 30.10.2007 Flachwagen mit Container 28.09.2007 Gabelstaplerwagen 01.10.2007 Geb. Gleis vern., R1,30° 01.11.2007 Geb.Gleis vern., R1, 15° 01.11.2007 Geb.Gleis vern., R1, 7.5° 01.11.2007 Geb.Gleis vern., R2, 30° 01.11.2007 Geb.Gleis vern., R3, 22.5° 01.11.2007 Geb.Gleis vern., R5, 15° 01.11.2007 Geb.Gleis vern., R5, 7,5° 01.11.2007 Geb.Trenngleis vern.,R1, 15° 01.11.2007 Gebogenes Gleis, R1, 15 Grad 28.09.2007 Gebogenes Gleis, R1, 30 Grad 28.09.2007 Gebogenes Gleis, R1, 7,5 Grad 28.09.2007 Gebogenes Gleis, R3, 22,5 Grad 28.09.2007 Gebogenes Gleis, R5, 15° 28.09.2007 Gebogenes Gleis, R5, 7,5° 28.09.2007 Ger. Gleis vern., 150mm 01.11.2007 Ger. Gleis. vern., 1200 mm 01.11.2007 Ger. Gleis. vern., 41 mm 01.11.2007 Ger. Gleis. vern., 52 mm 01.11.2007 Ger. Gleis. vern., 600 mm 01.11.2007 Ger. Gleis. vern., 75 mm 01.11.2007 Ger. Gleis. vern., 82 mm 01.11.2007 Gerades Gleis vern., 300mm 01.11.2007 Gerades Gleis, 1200 mm 28.09.2007 Gerades Gleis, 600 mm 28.09.2007 Gerades Trenngleis, 150 mm 28.09.2007 Gerades Unterbrechergleis, 150 mm 28.09.2007 Gleisprofil vern., 1,5m, 20 Stück 15.11.2007 Gleisprofil, 1,5 m, 20 Stück 28.09.2007 Gleisübergang 28.09.2007 Gleisübergang, vern. 30.11.2007 GN-Dampflok 0-4-0 Glacier, Sound 01.10.2007 Great Northern-Center Flow-Hopper 03.11.2007 Handweiche vern.,li.,R1, 30° 30.11.2007 Handweiche vern.,links, R5 30.11.2007 Handweiche vern.,re.,R1, 30° 30.11.2007 Handweiche vern.,rechts, R5 30.11.2007 Handweiche, links, R5 28.09.2007 Handweiche, rechts, R5 28.09.2007 Hooker Tankwagen 01.11.2007 HSB Coca-Cola® Personenwagen 26.10.2007 HSB Dampflok 99 7234-0 01.10.2007 HSB Dampflok 99 7234-0, Sound 02.06.2008 HSB-Schierker Feuerstein Personenwagen KB 900-473 26.10.2007 jh Kranwagen 01.10.2007 jh Scheinwerfer Wagen 01.10.2007 Kehrschleifengarnitur 26.10.2007 Kehrschleifengarnitur vern. 30.11.2007 Kipplore, rot 01.10.2007 Kreuzung vern., R1, 30° 30.11.2007 Kreuzung vern., R3, 22.5° 30.11.2007

Quelle: VOMO-Modellbahnshop

And we’re not buying in Germany, are we? :wink: But the NA prices are looking better and better to the European crowd.

“So it goes” Kurt Vonnegut

PS As Dave likes to say “The adults are now in charge, they will announce things when they are ready” or some such variant. Apparently even the crew in SD has learned that, looks like the Feb press release backfired in a very major way! :wink: :slight_smile: :wink:


Would you not think that a company that got the “whole shebang” would be out there “taking names & kicking a*s”?? The silence is deafing, may they did not get the “whole shebang”!! Also why all the talk about 7m Euros when the # was 4m Euros for the sale price…

Bob Burton said:

Would you not think that a company that got the “whole shebang” would be out there “taking names & kicking a*s”?? The silence is deafing, may they did not get the “whole shebang”!! Also why all the talk about 7m Euros when the # was 4m Euros for the sale price…

Bob, Mearly my own dark speculations…but could it be also that Marklin is simply studying medeaval warfare technics? Whats the best way to conquer an opponent who’s holed themselves up behind the castle walls?? Why build a massively expensive wall destroying Trebuchet when all you have to do is sit back and prevent anything from getting into the castle?

This thought crossed my mind reading KRSs MLS post mentioned above about the US being left out of the new production runs, that maybe, just maybe, Marklin intends to withhold product from the US market, until the castle larder run out and starvation sets in? Or could it also signal the start of legal manuverings regarding the copyright dispute…?

Is this in the realm of possibility? Either way its continued bad news for US dealers…

Yes HJ, I know I’m a cynical so and so :wink:

Bob Burton said:

Would you not think that a company that got the “whole shebang” would be out there “taking names & kicking a*s”?? The silence is deafing, may they did not get the “whole shebang”!! Also why all the talk about 7m Euros when the # was 4m Euros for the sale price…


On the money question, don’t forget the “holdback” provision. :wink: :slight_smile:

As far as getting the whole shebang, if various and sundry importers get signed up with contracts - even temporary ones, if I read things correctly - but the former subsidiary who morphed into a free-standing company owned by a freshly minted company whose president just so happens to be the longtime publicist and promoter for the former EPL Patentwerk hasn’t been signed up, yet … well pardon my jaundiced eye, but from here it looks like LGBoA would need the supplies from Märklin a whole lot more than Märklin needs LGBoA as a distributor.

More so since LGBoA also represents two direct competitors in the LS field namely BRAWA and PIKO. How do you keep that kind of dealing at arm’s length? How many hat’s can you wear when it comes to promotion, marketing and advertising?

It will all get sorted out, in the meantime we wait and see. No hurry is there? :wink: :slight_smile:


You are a cynical so and so, but I guess you either never got a set of rose coloured glasses or you misplaced them at an early age, like I did mine. :lol: :wink: :lol:


I hear ya…
Lots of directions this could go…
All of them are looking from bad to worse…
I guess we can hope for a silver lining…