Large Scale Central

QSI sound card help with batter power

I’m new to g scale railroading and need some help with my sound card. I will be using RC control with battery power. I have purchased an Aristo Craft C-16 locomotive with the Aristo Standard Battery Car and the Aristo train engineer transmitter. My problem is with the QSI G scale Plug n Play Magnum GO universal sound card (CRE-29337 DLX sound). There is no reference as to how to install this card with a battery power unit. How do I install this card and where does it go? What is a Super Cap and do I need one?

Thanks for the help


the QSI card should plug into the main board on the C16(if its a new version). You may need to wire to the speaker and chuff sensor of your choice if not using voltage for chuff rates. You’ll need the Super Cap when using the TE system as it cuts power completely on reversing which will cut your sound also.

The QSI does plug in to the C-16 board. Which is located in the tender. It comes with the plug to plug in the speaker. It also comes with the wire for the chuff but you will not be able to program as you need DCC or other systems to program such as Airwire. The super cap will only allow the sound to run for 30 secs once power is cut off or you reverse the TE. No provisions to control the horn or bell. Later RJD