Large Scale Central

Putting the Barry's gearbox to work

Today I put the new BBT Connie gearbox to work with aprox 7 hours of continuous running. The second Connie is a dummy. (It was the first of my two Connies who both had split gears.) There’s 24 ore cars and a cubby in tow. She performed flawlessly!

Great looking train! The layout looks nice too.

Nice :slight_smile:

That looks awsome. Lets see more.

Looks good John like the open look. Where’s SWMBO’s garden? :slight_smile:

very nice pictures of the layout and the train… :slight_smile:

Told ya.

Curmudgeon said:
Told ya.
Now tell us about the K gearbox. Mine has been mothballed until the gearbox is ready for consumers. It runs, but I can't stand the "slowing and speeding up" all the time. You've had the new Barry's long enough for a "Goodson Trial" :) :)

Two days ago, a friend ran his Accucraft K-27 around my layout for hours, at a nice even pace.


Thanks for the report.

Barry - BBT

Got my December issue of Garden Railways yesterday.

Kevin Strong writes an article about gears/gearing etc. Including how to with the NWSL replacement gear.

Kevin also wrote the rteview on the BBT Motor and Gearbox Kit. Favorably. The CON note was to point out that the pictures could be better (and I will try).

All in all, A nice weekend.

Barry - BBT

The K-27 fix?
Is there prollems with it?


Even if that was a rhetorical question it deserves an answer. :wink:

The K-27 has the wrong gear ratio. 14.5:1 instead of the 30:1 it was supposed to be.
Fine on a flat layout.
Bogs down up grades when with a load.
Runs away down grades when with a load.

It’s a question for Dave or Barry.
Believe me, I am well aware of the prollems the Backman K has right out of the box.
I can’t wait for the new gearbox from Barry for it.
We haven’t heard anything about it for a while.

Barry is a tad busy right now.
I will be doing the install notes in a bit…need something else from him, not ready yet.
Runs good, smooth, real puller now, tractable.

14.5:1 as a design consideration, my ass.

Considering my K appears to have blown its second gearbox in a year (while hauling three cars on a flat train show oval, no less), I too cannot wait for the K gearbox.

In the meantime, however, my Connie’s doing great :slight_smile:

Doggone it Dave,

You made me look it up… Don’t know if I can handle all this post-primary ed-yoo-ka-shun.



I seem to be the only person with a K that has not had any gearbox troubles (I hope I haven’t spoken too soon!). Two Saturdays ago I ran mine from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm continuously, pulling (4) AMS box cars, (2) AMS tank cars and a Bachmann long caboose. All journals lubricated with light machine oil (LaBelle brand). High temperature in the afternoon was full sun on the layout and 88 or 89 degrees in the panhandle of Florida. The track loop is about 300 feet with approximately a 14 inch rise at 1.5%, one up and one down. I have done this kind of run time on several occasions, both on the home club layout and on our road shows. On the road shows I usually pull upwards of 20 or more mixed LGB and Bachmann Big Hauler cars (the kids on the road shows want long trains, not scale ones).


YES there is NOTICEABLE slowing on the upgrade and some run on the down grade, it wasn’t that noticeable until I had RLD install a Pheonix sound system. That really accentuated the speed changes. The locomotive performed well all day at 14.0 volts at 1.0 amp on the flats, and lower voltage (don’t remember exactly) at 2.0 amps max on the upgrade. After some posts here and on the other forum, I specifically looked for additional heat in the motor area when I shut down, but found none. I will continue to run her as she is until something fails. Depending on timing, and based on the great reviews of BBT drives, I will replace it with one of Barry’s when the time comes.

Being as you are doing the installation notes, will you be removing the B’mann feedback board on the motor? I plan to continue to run track power for now, and may upgrade to QSI R/C at a later date. Just curious.

Maybe I am just one of the lucky few, I hope so.

Bob C.