Large Scale Central

Purging/Downsizing sale

Bachmann Big Hauler 4-6-0 Steam engines:

1. Pennsylvania #9670 $50.00 (shipping separate)
Some missing parts and some warped plastic and broken pieces
Wheel pick-up; tested on bench and wheels spin when power provided to them

2. Great Northern #948 $60.00 (shipping separate)
Wheel pick-up; tested on bench and wheels spin when power provided to them

3. Erie #16 $60.00 $70.00 (shipping separate)
Modified for battery and RC/sound (RC/sound modules sold seperately if interested)

4. Erie #7 $60.00 $70.00 (shipping separate)
Modified for battery and RC/sound (RC/sound modules sold seperately if interested)
Note: there is a crack on the cab roof (in the corner)

If interested in any of these, please message me. Thanks for looking.

Is the market just flooded with these engines? Or is the shipping scary? If the shipping is scary then I could make arrangements for the York, PA show (that show still happens, correct?)

Shipping via a retail counter is ridiculous. But there us USPS Click-N-Ship or Pirate Ship that does UPS and USPS. In either case, rates are half of retail. If you use USPS via either method it can be given to your post person. UPS also has lots of drop off spots for pre-paid. I’ve been shipping a lot of ham gear lately and most items ship between $10 and $20.

I try to buy all my trains like that, since I re-due everything I want it as cheap as I can get it and turn it into a quality model.

I’ll second PirateShip. UPS store quoted me $73 on something and PirateShip was $28.

It’s the same at the post office counter. There is a big discount for printing your own pre-paid labels before going to the PO.

@ThreeRs Are these all pre Anniversary models? If they have metal side rods then they are at least the first release of the Annie. If they are Annies in good working order, they should bring well over $100. So maybe you are priced too low :open_mouth:

Another trick is to calculate shipping to CA, then build it into the price and offer “free” shipping. That helps lure impulse buyers who won’t ask for a shipping quote.

Are you on Facebook? I have had relatively good luck in the Marketplace G Scale groups, both buying and selling.

But, some stuff is just hard to sell. I have a Lionel UP box car that I have been trying to unload for close to 10 years. Low price, high price, it gets no interest :frowning:

Yes to both. If you look on Facebook Marketplace, you will find lots of 4-6-0 Big Haulers at different prices.

I agree with Jon that Facebook swap-and-shop group is very active and may be able to help.

I use Pirateship - commercial rates and you print the label at home (if you have sticky paper!)

As far as your Lionel UP Boxcar goes, it’s just Lionel and their collectability has really dropped in the last 10 plus years. I saw online the new 2025 Lionel catalog and it is loaded with many new items and just wondering who will buy all that stuff. Just like LGB 1:22.5 scale, I call it the dead scale in large trains, I know because that the scale I model in.

Don’t even need that! I print on plain paper and tape around the edges. UPS will provide two up self adhesive labels for free.

Yes, the market is flooded. No one (that is knowledgable about Bachmann Big Haulers) wants one.
As Jon said, check to see if they are “Anniversaries” They will have metal side rods if they are.

Thanks Jon and John. I’ll check on the pre/post anniversary version. I think they are plastic but I’ll double check. No I don’t do FB. I guess my loss. I’ll keep them up here for a while before I try other avenues.
I just came to terms (with my spouse’s help) that unfortunately I don’t have room for these anymore now or in my future (planning way ahead for our house move).

Doing that too, but not way ahead. Maybe 60-90 days out! Going house shopping tomorrow :slight_smile:

Good luck on the sale. Once upon a time you could buy a very nice drive upgrade for the Big Haulers to make them a very respectable loco. Unfortunately Barry of Barry’s Big Trains passed several years ago and no one picked up the slack.

One popular use for them is to severely weather them for dead line or wreck displays. Of course, they can be run too.

I have a Barry’s conversion. Perhaps someone could copy it. You need a small machine shop.
I don’t know if it was patented.

And a source for wheels.

In fact, the latest Gen 7 4-6-0 is miles better than any predecessor, and has brass gears and a Pittman motor. I suspect it is almost as good as Barry’s version.

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They are all plastic, so they all pre-date the Anniversary version. Loco Bill Canelos has a post on the Bachmann site with all the version details:,37791.0.html

The latest Bachmann Big Hauler has all the Barry enhancements as well as a better motor, gearbox and electronics



All this talk about shipping and flooded markets is depressing me. I’ve got boxes of “too big” stuff I need to get rid of. I already figured Ebay was going to be out of the question from the fees and shipping costs. Now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t just see if our two local big scale shops would be interested in them to sell in-store or just part them out add the pieces to the parts collections and toss the shells. :frowning_face:

Well, if you can put up with the hassle of photographing, describing and listing them, I think EBay’s still a pretty good avenue. Fees & state taxes take about 1/3 out of your proceeds (YMMV), which seems typical for a lot of auction houses. But after the grind of the listing process, it’s hard to beat the automation and cross-country exposure. And you can keep the stuff up there for weeks, gradually reducing the price if you want until it’s sold.

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I used to sell stuff on eBay years ago, but it was too much of a hassle with pics, boxes, mailing etc.
Now I just give stuff to other club members who want it for a project or toss it.