Large Scale Central

PRR style passenger shelter

The Pennsylvania Railroad ‘standard’ passenger shelter has been offered in many scales over the years. They were used in many places that did not need a full-fledged station.

Fortunately for us, since they are a company standard, drawings are available.

A bit of CAD work, and voila!

Still need to design the roof, and I’ll be building a small cedar platform for it to sit on.

looks great , excellent workmanship, as usual

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You are making this look too easy!

Got the roof figured out. Here’s the whole thing in CAD

and the front roof section in the slicer.


EDIT: Adding:

rear roof section in the slicer.

Roof came out nice the first try. Now to wait for warmer weather to paint it.

If you want to play the home game: PRR Branchline Shelter by rmccown | Download free STL model |

If going with the original colors I’m gonna throw in my anal historic suggestion.
SW 2811 Rookwood Blue Green (Trim)
SW 2813 Downing Straw (body)

You might be able to get half pint samples at the Sherwin Williams store for cheap. You can’t be picky on sheen as sample bases only come in one.

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Sized to 1:29 scale…

Close in the front and you get Washington Street Station in Roosters neck of the woods


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Neat. I want to make the 3-“bay” side walls too.


We had similar structures along the W,K&S. They resembled school bus waiting shelters. I asked our (then) conductor why, and he explained that when the track was part of a Reading RR branch line, the railroad had a contract to take kids to high school in Kutztown. Makes for an interesting “new” commodity!

Regards, David Meashey

Most of those PRR station stops/shelters looked the same. I’m not sure if it was originally a CVRR design or a PRR design because of the time overlap on the build dates. This was another CVRR then PRR station stop in Quincy,PA. The station still survives about 10 miles away in a public park (Nolo Park) Fayetteville,PA.

Here’s all the parts in 1:29, printed in medium grey PETG


I think the station should have a Large Scale Central advertisement on it for the show
Are you bringing the cars, dumpsters etc of Bobs manufacturing to the show :thinking:


What a classic shot, nice.